For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Pro-Line Blockade Mx Compound 8th scale buggy tires

Pro-Line Blockade MX Compound 8th Scale Buggy Tires

Our favorite tires for track use are Pro-Line Blockades. Blockades give fantastic traction and wear a long time, what’s not to like? Recently, Pro-line has announced their extremely popular Blockade 8th scale buggy tires are now available in MX (blue groove) compound. Pro-Line’s MX compound is specifically designed for hot outdoor blue groove outdoor tracks where premature wear can become [...]


Pro-Line Suburbs 2.0 SC MX Blue Groove Tires

New Pro-Line Suburbs 2.0 SC MX Blue Groove Tires

There is only one leader in the tire game and that is Pro-Line. Part of being a leader is making tweaks to an already good design to make it even better. Such is the case with Pro-Line’s new Suburbs 2.0 SC short course truck tires. The Suburbs were already a very popular high bite/blue groove tire, the 2.0 version is [...]

