For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Squid Ink #12

So this week’s SquidInk is actually based on a true story. Of course after a few giggles we helped the kid out and explained to him that the guy at the front desk meant the antenna on the transmitter, and the reasons for doing so. We did our best to keep an eye on that kid that night to make [...]


SquidInk # 11

Not sure how you guys celebrated Thanksgiving, but this is pretty much how it goes around here. You need to stay safe when you fry those things! Check out the newest SquidInk! Make sure you click the pic above for the full size art! Please remember to hit those share buttons to show your friends and support! Want to [...]


SquidInk # 10

Better a little late than never right? Check out the latest SquidInk that features a little holiday theme as well as a little fun for the pets out there. We do this to Adam the Intern all the time. Make sure you click the pic above for the full size art! Please remember to hit those share buttons to [...]


SquidInk #9

Woo Hoo! It’s time for another SquidInk! This is how I picture Cubby and Tim in about 10 years! LOL. While we say it needs to be fixed, traditions like these are hard co change. Don’t forget you can click the pic above for the full size art! Please remember to hit those share buttons to show your friends and [...]


SquidInk #8

It’s another edition of SquidInk! This one has Adam the Intern written all over it, though I’m sure there are more than a few of us that wish this was an actual option to getting our vehicles clean! Hmm, maybe Adam’s next project should be a 1/8 scale car wash? Remember you can click the pic above for the full size [...]


SquidInk #7

Happy Halloween! As your treat this week, we give you a new SquidInk! Sadly, we hear about this scenario all the time. Support your local shops guys! Remember you can click the pic above for the full size art! Don’t forget to hit those share buttons to show your friends and shops your support! Enjoy! Want to see the previous comics? Click [...]


SquidInk #6

Nothing like a new SquidInk to carry us through the weekend! This one strikes the funny bone on a few levels! You have to love the old school and new school of RC. Remember you can click the pic above for the full size art in all it’s glory, and hit those share buttons to show your friends. Enjoy! Want to [...]


SquidInk #5

Woo Hoo! It’s time for another edition of SquidInk! This one gets a little deep while tying in some recent headline news. We will see who gets it, or if we need to keep it to tree and porta-poty destruction. 🙂 Don’t forget to click the pic above for the full size if you can’t see the text that well, and [...]


SquidInk #4

It’s time for another edition of SquidInk! Not that we see a lot of porta potty destruction, we have run into a few of them. (Wrench, I’m looking at you!) It’s also amazing the amount of people we see texting while trying to drive their RC. Seriously, put the phone down! Don’t forget to click the pic above for the [...]


SquidInk #3

Yep, it’s the 3rd comic for SquidInk! I didn’t have exactly this call, but I have had several that were VERY close. It’s amazing the amount of people who are hearing about quadcopters (drones), and even more amazing the people that want to fly them! Enjoy! Looking for previous comics? Click Here to see all of them to date.


SquidInk #2

It’s time for our second edition of SquidInk! File this one under ‘If I had a dollar for every time…’. I’m actually not sure who’s in the lead, Wrench or myself, but it’s a big number. Imagine if we did more air than surface? We had a good response of emails to the previous comic, so hopefully this one is as [...]


SquidInk #1

Welcome to the first of many new features we have going on here at Big Squid RC. This is the introduction to our new SquidInk comic. (Get it? Squid ink…) We have a few great ones lined up, and hopefully it will be new weekly series. We are not 100% sure on the best day of the week, so we [...]

