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RPM Rear Arms Helion Dominus

RPM Rear A-arms for the Helion Dominus SC, SCv2, & TR

To help beef up your Helion Dominus SC, the good folks over at RPM RC are now making upgrade Rear A-arms. These are said to be the strongest a-arms available and are made from RPM’s engineering grade nylon. Oversized bosses around both the inner and outer hinge pins keep you from ripping out the arms from the pins, while tolerances [...]


RPM Front Upper & Lower A-arms Helion Dominus

RPM RC Front Upper & Lower A-arms for Helion Dominus SC, SCv…

Want to beef up your Helion Dominus? Now you can with Front Upper & Lower Arms from RPM RC. Molded here in America from legendary RPM nylon, the RPM arms are beefed up in all the right places and have tighter tolerances than the stock units for less slop. Each package contains one upper and one lower arm and have [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 01.03.2013, You Have the Questions, I Have…

Hello BSRC! Got a Helion Dominus 10TR question? Picked mine up at Hobbytown and the tech guy said a slipper clutch would be good idea. So got home out slipper clutch in and have a binding noise coming from the diff area ever since.Took it back to hobbytown they took it apart and couldnt find problem..The slipper install was a [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 11.15.2012, Version- Your Verbose Question…

I absolutely love your site, the content is killer and the best part is what you say is honest and not watered down to protect any sponsors. With the winter quickly approaching I was wondering if you guys ever posted some how to articles, not tips and little things like you find in magazines but specifically a review [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.30.2012, Version: Your Letters, My Driv…

Hi Cubby, I am pondering the question should I buy a new Traxxas Stampede or not. All I do is parking lot plus the dirt hills behind my house. Is there a better option? Help. Jose L. Cubby- Que pasa Jose? Thanks for shoot’n in an email. Ya know… Traxxas has sold an awful lot of those Stampedes, and I can say from first [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 08.02.2012, Version- So Many Questions, So…

OK I think I’m about to jump on the 4×4 sct train….my? Is what is the best truck out there to get…..I’m looking for out of the box fast…tough plenty of upgrades….let me know what you think…thanks Glenn B. Cubby- Hey what’s up Glenn, thanks for the email, shoot us your snail mail so we can send ya some stickers. You make it [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 07.19.2012, Version: Dodging Your Question…

Hey there, big fan of the Big Squid you guys do great work. I was curious if there was a plan in the works to do a hopped up review of the Dominus 10SC. Also was interested in the possibility of seeing how the Dominus and Losi Ten-SCTE stack up against each other in a short course shootout, or more [...]


Helion Dominus Hop-Ups

While hanging out in the Helion RC room at the Hobby Town Convention 2012, we got to check out the new hop-up parts coming soon for the Dominus. The parts on the ‘soon’ list are: Slipper Clutch, Aluminum Wheel Hex Set, Center Differential, Aluminum Battery Mounts, Aluminum Rear Hub Carriers, Aluminum Threaded Shocks, and a Universal Drive Shafts for [...]


Sharpie Pro-Line on the Dominus

Recently there was a buzz around the net about the Sharpie Ferrari. Well, leave it to our resident painter/scale guy/artist Manny to hook up our Helion RC Dominus with a Pro-Line Flo-Tek body all sharpie’d out! What’s cool is that he incorporated lots of the logos from our sponsors in the paint as well as a awesome version of our [...]


pro-line dominus body

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 6 - Installing An Upgrade Bo…

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 6 – Installing An Upgrade BodyWhen we first got the Helion RC Dominus, the guys around the BigSquid office really liked the looks of the stock body. While the stock body looks good it does have a couple of downsides- it tends to break after heavy beatings, and there are getting to be a lot [...]


pro-line badlands

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 5 - Installing Upgraded Off …

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 5 – Installing Upgraded Off Road TiresThe Helion Dominus has proven itself an extremely poplar bash machine, so popular in fact that it won BigSquid’s March Bashness contest against some very stiff competition. Many of the people that have chosen the Dominus as their basher of choice use it strictly off road. While the stock [...]


helion dominus

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 4 - Installing A Brushless S…

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 4 – Installing A Brushless SystemNo other single modification will give your Dominus such a dramatic increase in shear power as the installation of a brushless power system. Today I’ll be walking you through what it takes to install a brushless motor and speed controller in your Helion Dominus. If you are an old pro [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 05.17.2012, Me Mauling More Questions

question for ask cubby I have a Losi SCTE on your recommendation and I love it. I am setting up another one for my brother since he lives close to NorCal Hobbies and it is one of the more popular classes. I wanted to know if you had any issues with the Castle Sidewinder SCT with the 1410 motor in [...]


ASK Cub Reporter, 04.05.2012, You Write The Questions, I Gru…

Dominus Wins!? Are you guys as amazed as I am (as well as everyone I know) that the Dominus, a truck that you simply can’t bash with, won the bashing bracket? That truck is such a piece of shit! Sure it’s cheap, but at $200 it can’t even drive up a jump. Is bashing considered driving around slowly in a circle [...]


helion dominus

Modding The Helion Dominus Part 3 - Installing A Lipo Batter…

In most trucks popping in a new Lipo battery is easy, they just drop right in! Unfortunately that isn’t the case with the Helion Dominus. Stock, the battery tray in the Dominus is set up for use with the included 7 cell 1800 mah Ni-MH. When attempting to drop in a ROAR sized Lipo you will find the stock battery [...]

