For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Fight for Higher Flight!

A couple of days ago I was on the HMA Board member call when several representatives from the AMA had mentioned they could use our help. There are some new FAA regulations coming down the pipe where some areas of the AIR/flying/quad being severely effected. Some locations are looking at a cap of 400 feet! That might seem high to [...]


Drone Insight: I Got My Remote Pilot's License, And You Can …

If you are contemplating taking your remote pilot’s license test to become certified for using drones in commercial applications, look no further. I’ll be talking to you today about realizing your dreams of being paid to fly drones all day (experiences may vary). I’ve been working with drones since before the the FAA regulations came, out so I’ve been lucky [...]


FAA in Federal Court Over Drone Registration Rules

Coming as no surprise to anyone, the backlash associated with the recent FAA registration news has begun. In a move that seems to be the next logical progression from the model aircraft community, the FAA is being challenged in federal court with the hopes that hobbyists – including children as young as 13 – won’t have to file their names and home addresses [...]


FAA shuts down 36+ model aircraft clubs in Washington, DC

With what is sure to be the first of many headlines generated on the heels of the FAA’s mandatory registration news, here is an…. *ahem* “interesting” piece of news from our nation’s capital. The Federal Aviation Administration has shut down at least 36 model aircraft clubs in the Washington, DC area, citing a new, extended no-fly zone for drones around the nation’s capital. Beginning in [...]


FAA Drone Registration Q&A

Since the news broke from the U.S. government that all drone pilots will be required to register their UAS (unmanned aerial system), the FAA ruling has been dominating headlines. I (like many of you) have questions regarding the specifics of these new laws. Is there size restrictions? Weight? Altitude? Licensing? What are the penalties if I don’t register? The FAA has finally [...]


FPV Common Sense – Fly Smart.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you should be fully aware that drones and all things UAS have dominated recent headlines. That being said, I think it’s very important that; as the visibility of our beloved hobby continues to grow, we all become ambassadors for what we love to do. Now… I’m not here [...]


Amazon Gets Permission From FAA For Drone Testing

We have to admit, it’s interesting how fast the FAA is working and turning around this sort of thing. This is one of those items we figured would have to be stuck in government red tape for years, and here we are with the following: March 19–The Federal Aviation Administration today issued an experimental airworthiness certificate to an Amazon Logistics, [...]


Raging Rotors: FAA and the Rules, and an Amazonian Outcry

This past Sunday the FAA announced their proposed set of rules for commercial ‘drone’ use. Now we all know that ‘drones’ is not the correct term, but I am NOT getting black bagged by the government again. Here’s the skinny for those who want to use multirotors to earn some extra money:Pass an exam to prove proficiency Visual Line of Sight flying [...]


Raging Rotors:, Helpful or Wishful Thinking?

The fallout from the ‘fall out’ on the White House lawn from a week ago is still ringing true in the ears of many, and now there is a new level of protection for the masses afraid of the loss of privacy or danger of commercial, personal, or recreational drones. There is a new website in town called, designed as [...]


Raging Rotors: Yo, Quad Daddy-O!

Again, the news is filled with so much trouble in regards to Multirotors/Quadcopters/Drones. Brian just saw someone follow highway traffic, a man in the Illinois suburbs is being investigated by the FAA for rule violations when doing a quadcopter video of Christmas lights, and a government employee has now crashed on his boss’s White House lawn. Ideally I’d love to send [...]


To the Moron Flying the Quad Over I-290 Elk Grove Village IL

I will be the first to admit, we do a lot of dumb stuff here at Big Squid RC. Sure we launch things off roofs, sure we crash planes into cars, sure we drop quads out of the sky to hit them with a shovel, but we always do it as safely as possible. This morning, on my way into [...]


Raging Rotors: Fly It Hard, but Safe!

Hello all, and Merry Christmas! This week I have yet a simple message: SAFETY! The FAA, in coalition with other groups including the AMA, set up KnowBeforeYouFly, a website that outlines the guidelines of dos and don’ts when flying unmanned aircraft. I have mentioned these rules before, and the following video (also seen on Good Morning America the other day) sums [...]


Raging Rotors: The FAA, FPV, and You Part 3: My Slice of the…

Alright, I know that the FAA and AMA are still pretty deadlocked on the new rules as interpreted by the FAA and how it really makes it difficult to be a hobby pilot. Now, the stories and definitions will keep changing as the news is passed along, but I wish to make a few comments towards these rules, as well [...]


Raging Rotors: The FAA, FPV, and You! Part 2: Congressional …

Last week I posted the newest suggested policies the FAA has drafted regarding model aircraft (airplanes, helis, multirotors) and how they can be used for ‘recreation’ as compared to ‘commercial.’ Personally, the rules are not HORRIBLE, but they do go against most of the rules and policies of the AMA, the governing body of model aviation. Being a member of the AMA, I [...]


Raging Rotors: The FAA, FPV, and You!

As of June 25th, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released their interpretation of special aircraft and first person view (FPV) flight. Above you can see a few of their guidelines, and you can see more on what is or isn’t considered hobby/recreational flight by Reading More…

