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FIDracing Dragon Hammer III

FIDracing Dragon Hammer III 1/5 Gas Truck

Hot on the heals of their DH5E brushless and first gen Dragon Hammer gas truck, FIDracing has announced the Dragon Hammer III. Like previous offerings, the Dragon Hammer III is a scale realistic off-road design sporting a solid rear axle. Right now the III is just being teased, we will post more details as they become available. Until then, check [...]


fid baja brake

FID Hydraulic Brakes For Baja Video

We recently posted information about the new 4 Wheel Hydraulic Disc Brake System from FID Racing, and people went ‘oohhhhh’. Well, they just let us know there is a video of the system in action. Talk about loosing some rubber on the stops, this system brings that vehicle to a halt! The HPI Baja 5B in the shop may just [...]


FID Racing 4 Wheel Hydraulic Brakes For BAJA 5B/5T/5SC

Driving a modified, high horsepower HPI Baja is loads of fun. There is just something about going 50 mph with a Baja that is quite exhilarating. But at the end of every high speed pass you must get slowed down. The crew over at FID Racing now have a high-end brake set-up for your Baja. Their new 4 wheel hydraulic [...]

