For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Kyosho FO-XX 2.0 Nitro Readyset

A Pair Of New FO-XX 2.0 Readysets From Kyosho

Coming in July to a hobby dealer near you is a pair of new FO-XX 2.0 readysets from Kyosho. The FO-XX 2.0 VE is the powerful brushless version, while the other is powered by a massive KE 25 SP nitro engine. * 5-link suspension * 3-speed automatic transmission on nitro version * Kyosho Speed House 2000kV brushless motor in VE version * Pre-assembled readyset, [...]


Kyosho 5 Link Conversion FO-XX MAD

Kyosho 5 Link Conversion Set For Their Mad/FO-XX Series

Are you ready to upgrade your Kyosho Mad Crusher, Mad Force Kruiser, or FO-XX? If so, Kyosho has announced a new 5 Link Conversion Set. The 5 link conversion kit can be used to upgrade your truck’s suspension and also includes Kyosho’s 4 wheel steering set-up for a real monster truck look. The conversion kit sports a part number of #MAW022 [...]


Kyosho FO-XX Video

Video – Kyosho FO-XX 1/8th Monster Truck

There is no better way to kick off a week than with a good bash video. The folks over at Kyosho have worked up a new video showing off the bashing capability of their new FO-XX nitro and brushless trucks. It sports some heavy metal music and plenty of heavy metal bashing, check it out below. The nitro FO-XX is priced [...]


Kyosho FO-XX 4WD Mud Racer

Kyosho FO-XX Electric & Nitro 1/8 4WD Readysets

Well look at what Kyosho has on the way, the FO-XX 1/8 4WD mud basher. The FO-XX will be available two ways, electric driven with brushless power, or with a powerful nitro engine. Based off the Mad Force platform, the Kyosho FO-XX is a big truck that should be a lot of fun to explode your local mud pit with. [...]

