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ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 01.22.2015, Version- Ask A Simple Question, Get A…

“ProTek R/C 170T Chad Bradley Team Edition Hey Guys, I was wondering if you or any of the guys at Big Squid RC have any experience with the ProTek R/C 170T “Chad Bradley Team Edition Servo? Regards, Patrick” Cubby- Hola there Pat, congrats on hit’n the big time, shoot us your snail mail for your BSRC sticker pack. Sorry homeskillet, we have not reviewed that particular [...]


Futaba T4GRS T-FHSS Transmitter

Futaba T4GRS T-FHSS Transmitter

The latest high-end surface stick radio from Futaba, the T4GRS, has been teased since May but looks to finally be on its way to the market. Some of the highlights of the T4GRS include telemetry, ball bearings on the sticks, and a backlit 128×64 LCD screen is used to make it easy to read. The 4 channel Futaba T4GRS has [...]


Futaba 4PX Video

Video – Highlights of the Futaba 4PX

On Christmas morning some people might dream of finding a puppy, or a football, or in the case of Cubby, a new Ferrari under their tree. However, for the hardcore rc hobbyist, they dream of high-end rc gear, and it doesn’t get much more high-end than the Futaba 4PX transmitter. Watch the video below to see some highlights and features [...]


Futaba BLS571SV Servo Review

Product Spotlight – Futaba BLS571SV Brushless Servo

It has been a decade since brushless motors took over our rc cars and trucks. Now, brushless is taking over even further, they are being used in servos. When used in a servo they are said to be smoother, more efficient, and more powerful than other styles of motors. Futaba sent us one of their brushless powered BLS571SV servos for review [...]


ARRMA Kraton Electronics Upgrade

How To Upgrade the Electronics in the ARRMA Kraton

Hi, my name is Iron Mike and I like long walks on the beach and destroying rc cars. You might know me as a part of the BSRC Bash Crew or perhaps from the Prop Wash boat column that I’ve been slacking on (for months now). A few weeks ago Cubby comes over to my house and drops a brand [...]


Nic Case Castle 200 mph

200 Mph RC Car Speed Barrier Broken

All across the world people grab their rc car and make speed runs on the weekend. Some do it in their driveway, while others meet up with friends in parking lots to see who can go the fastest. It looks like all those people now have a new record to shoot for. A video has been released showing Nic Case [...]


Futaba 4PX Review

Review – Futaba 4PX T-FHSS Telemetry Radio

Futaba has long been known to make some of the best transmitters that money can buy. Their latest top-of-the-line transmitter, the 4PX, comes with copious amounts of features, faster speed, a high-zoot screen and telemetry. Is the Futaba 4PX the best radio on the market? Click the “Read more” to find out…


cubby chair

THE Cub Report, 10.20.2014, Version- Foxtrot, Uniform, Charl…

A decade of bashing down, BSRC is officially 10 years old, even we can’t believe it. Nor can we believe that a lil’ ole website like ours could help change the face of rc, but it has. So where do we go from here? Ya, for sure it’s hard to top what we’ve done, but being who we are we are [...]


Raging Rotors: Holy Helicopter Kit, Batman!

Another week, another fun installment of Raging Rotors! Granted I’m not bringing atomic batteries to power, but I have a project that I have been working on since IRCHA this past August. As I mentioned, I did acquire a SAB Heli Division Goblin 570 helicopter kit and have been diligently working on it in my free time. I have to say, it has [...]


Unboxing Futaba 4PX

Unboxing – Futaba 4PX

By now you’ve certainly heard about the new 4PX flagship radio from Futaba. With high-end performance and endless features, it truly is top-of-the-line. We recently unboxed our review unit and took a bunch of pictures while doing so. To see exactly what comes inside the box check out the two galleries below. While doing the unboxing we have already noticed a [...]


Futaba S.Bus2 Car Servo

Futaba S.Bus2 Programmable HV Car Servos

The S.Bus line of servos from Futaba have a reputation for being some of the smoothest, fastest, and most durable servos that money can buy. Now Futaba has announced three new S.Bus2 HV Programmable servos for your bashing pleasure. These are brushless servos that are fully programmable to suit your specific needs. Some of their highlights include- * All are water [...]


Futaba 4PX

Full Details – Futaba 4PX Telemetry Radio

The Futaba crew has been teasing their high-end 4PX, but it is nearly here. It has an August release date and should be shipping out to dealers in the very near future. The 4PX is the most advanced radio system ever developed by Futaba and is 30% faster, and a half ounce lighter, than the previous model. It also has the [...]


Hands-on Futaba 4PX

Hands-on the new Futaba 4PX

The BigSquidRC Bash Crew finally got a chance to wrap our hands around the new flagship transmitter from Futaba, the 4PX. The first thing we noticed on the 4PX was its new display. The new screen on the 4PX is amazingly clear, much closer to one found on a high-def tv screen than one found on an rc transmitter. The uber [...]


Futaba 4PX

Full Details – Futaba 4PX 4-Channel 2.4GHz T-FHSS Radio

After a bit of teasing, the Futaba crew has released full information on their new flagship transmitter, the 4PX. At the top of the list for features is a 3.5″ color LCD screen, it is 30% faster than the previous model, and it has the ability to handle up to 31 telemetry sensors. Some of its other features include- * Works [...]


Futaba T4GRS

Futaba T4GRS Transmitter

While most of us here in the states drive with a “pistol” type radio, that isn’t the case around the world. In fact, stick radios are still quite popular across the globe. Our friends over at Hobby Media ran across the latest surface stick radio from Futaba while cruising the Shizuoka show. The radio is designated the T4GRS and transmits in [...]

