For Bashers, By Bashers!

You are browsing the "Gelande II LWB" tag archive.

RC4WD Gelande 2 LWB Farm Truck Build in Action Video

Lots of people seem to have enjoyed our Farm Truck Build featuring the RC4WD Gelande 2 LWB, so while Jeremy was down at the Ultimate Scale Truck Expo 2019, he shot another sweet video of the truck hitting the trails. Enjoy!Don’t forget to hit the RC4WD website and check out the Gelande 2 LWB if you are looking to do [...]


RC4WD Gelande II Truck Kit

Now In Kit Form – RC4WD Gelande II & G2 LWB

Here ya go scale builders, RC4WD has just announced that they are releasing the original Gelande II and Gelande II LWB in kit form! This is big news for the scale market as they love building their trucks from the ground up. Building a truck from a kit ensures everything is built correctly, plus it makes it easy to install [...]

