For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Raging Rotors Build Report: Goblin 570 Kit from SAB Helidivi…

OK, so I may have done a lot of building these past few months (idle hands blah blah blah), but I love getting dirty and what better way than a kit? Thanks to my trip to IRCHA, I got my opportunity with the SAB Helidivision Goblin 570. This has been my baby, and still is, so here is the skinny of what I [...]


Raging Rotors: Beware the Goblin, or, Things I Learned Build…

All the way back in August, I got my hands on a Goblin 570 from SAB Helidivision thanks to my friends at PrestigeRC/HeliDirect. Over the past few months, I have been diligently working on it while getting more and more excited for flying season to start this now snowy 2015. I have only built a Baja 5B SS in all my time in RC, [...]

