For Bashers, By Bashers!

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GTB 2 put on weightloss program

Were you shopping for an ESC?  Perhaps you were casting an eye towards Novak‘s GTB 2 Sportsman for it’s price and features, but then said to yourself “Nope, not that one, the heatsink is just too big…”  Novak has agreed with you and now they are introducing the GTB 2 LP.  As you might expect from the name, this new [...]


Novak GTB 2 now available in C-C-C-COMBOs!

Novak’s popular sportsman class ESC, the GTB 2 Sportsman, is now available in combos with their Ballistic brushless motors.  The GTB 2 has all kinds of great features, but it more notable for what it’s missing, namely timing adjustments and a pc data port, making it ideal for spec class racing.  Some of the things it does include are drag [...]

