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Raging Rotors: Flip it! Flip it Good!

In all things multirotor, I was excited by Blade Helicopter’s announcement about the new 3D flight modes for the 200QX. I for one quickly ordered the new props, dragged my update cable out of the 350QX case, and was quickly on my way to being ready for inverted flight. Check out the video and my impressions on the upgrade after the jump…


Upgrade your 200QX to Full 3D!

Nipping on the heels of my unboxing and build of the Invertix400, Blade Helicopters has announced an update for the 200QX Quadcopter to also perform Fully Inverted Maneuvers. Teased at eFest 2014 during the prototype stages, the software update is available now, with propellers for these maneuvers available soon. For the update, one needs the USB cable and props which can be picked up or [...]

