For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Traxxas X-Maxx Review

Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck Review

Unless you’ve been living on Mars, you’ve certainly heard about the latest and greatest from Traxxas, the giant X-Maxx. The X-Maxx is bigger than any monster truck that Traxxas has ever put out before, plus it comes with features that no other truck can boast about like self-righting. Is the X-Maxx the next big thing to take over the bashing [...]


Traxxas X-Maxx Unboxing

Unboxing The Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck

Well here it is folks, our unboxing of the mighty Traxxas X-Maxx. Ever since being teased a couple of months ago, it seems like everyone has been waiting to put one in their rc garage. That time has now officially arrived. Local hobby shops have gotten their first shipments, thus a bunch of X-Maxxs are making it into consumer hands. If [...]


ST Racing Concepts Monster Truck Racing Chassis Axial Wraith

ST Racing Concepts Monster Truck Racing Chassis For The Axia…

Turn your Axial Wraith into a Monster Truck Racer with the new Conversion Chassis from ST Racing Concepts. The STRC MT racing chassis is a direct bolt-on for the Wraith and comes with everything needed for the conversion. High quality CNC machined aluminum is used throughout and the chassis features a low center of gravity design for optimal handling. The [...]


Pro-Line Monster Truck Wheels

Sneak Peak – Pro-Line Monster Truck Wheels

Are you a monster truck fan? If so, take a close look at the picture above. The good folks over at Pro-Line are teasing a brand new Monster Truck Wheel to usher in the New Year. What tires will it fit? Which trucks will it fit on? Full details are coming soon, until then you can hit up This Link [...]


Team Redcat TR-MT8E Monster Truck Review

Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck Review

What do you think of when you hear the name RedCat Racing? For some it means low-end cars with questionable durability, for others it means affordable cars that don’t break the wallet. The truck we recently tested from RedCat is the TR-MT8E Monster Truck, the very first vehicle in RedCat’s new high-end line of Team RedCat bash vehicles. Is Team [...]


Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck

Unboxing – Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck

Just in to the BigSquidRC offices is the Team RedCat 1/8 TR-MT8E Monster Truck. The big news is that it is the very first truck in the new Team RedCat high-end line of bashers, so we can’t wait to see how it stacks up against trucks like the Kraton, MT-4 G3, and Revo. As we tore the box open we grabbed [...]


ECX AMP MT Monster Truck Review

ECX AMP MT RTR Monster Truck Review

With a shockingly low street price, you just have to wonder how good the AMP line of RTR vehicles from ECX RC (Horizon Hobby) can be. I mean, they are street priced at just $129, while their list of features hasn’t been diminished as much as you would expect to make the price point. We’ve been driving the ECX AMP [...]


Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck

Team RedCat TR-MT8E Monster Truck

RedCat now has a high-end brand of premium vehicles called Team Redcat. The first vehicle to be introduced under the Team RedCat moniker is the TR-MT8E Monster Truck. The MT8E promises to be extremely durable and to also provide massive performance. Some of the highlights of the new Team RedCat MT include- * Waterproof Savox servo * Hobbywing 100 amp 4S waterproof [...]


RC4WD Killer Krawler 2 Kit

RC4WD 1/4 Scale Killer Krawler 2 Kit

Go big or go home, that is the American way. New from RC4WD is the 1/4 Scale Killer Krawler 2 Kit. The Killer Krawler 2 has a length of 29.5″, a width of 23.6″, and weighs in at over 11 lbs. With size like that, it should make short work of your local rock crawler course, or easily run over [...]


HPI Bullet ST MT 3.0

Revised HPI Bullet 3.0 MT & ST

The HPI Racing crew has given an updated look to the Bullet MT & ST 3.0. Both feature 8 rugged shocks, waterproofing, G3.0 nitro engines, and slick new bodies. The ST stadium truck version has a part number of #110660 and you can Click This Link for more information. The MT monster truck version has a part number of #110661 [...]


Traxxas X-MAXX

HUGE Traxxas X-MAXX!!!

Traxxas is about to unleash their HUGE new X-Maxx on the world! At nearly 20 lbs in weight, 30 inches length, and 22 inches in width, the X-Maxx is straight up a beast. Taking monster trucks to anther level, the X-Maxx has 4wd and comes with a 6S capable Velineon 1600kV brushless motor. Also huge news with the X-Maxx is its [...]


HPI Jumpshot MT Review

HPI Jumpshot MT Review

Just like the Staind song “It’s Been A While”, well, it has been a while since HPI Racing introduced an all new off-road platform. Earlier this year HPI debuted their Jumpshot platform to the world at the Nuremburg Toy Fair, since then we’ve been anxiously waiting for one to show up on our doorstep. That day finally came a few [...]


Unboxing ECX AMP MT Monster Truck

Unboxing The ECX AMP MT Monster Truck

New and super affordable ($129) from the folks at ECX is the 1/10 AMP MT. While it is named a “monster truck”, it more looks like a stadium style truck and we recently got a chance to shoot some pictures while pulling our test unit out of the box. Inside the box you’ll find the truck (of course), the new style [...]


hpi racing jumpshot mt

HPI Racing Jumpshot MT Unboxing Pictures

Our HPI Racing Jumpshot MT showed up at the office, so it’s time for unboxing photos! During the unboxing we didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, which is a good thing. No leaking shocks, no loose screws. As you can see it comes with every wall plug for every country you may decide to visit. We are monster truck [...]


FS Racing Victory Review

FS Racing Victory Monster Truck Review

Being a bash oriented website, we always welcome the chance to beat on a good monster truck. The last few weeks we’ve gotten the chance to test the FS Racing Victory, an affordable 1/10 scale 4wd. How does it hold up? Does it have enough power? Has does it handle the rough stuff? Read on to find out… Direct Link: [...]

