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Unboxing ARRMA Granite Mega Series

Unboxing – ARRMA Mega Series Granite Monster Truck

Have you heard about the new Mega Series from ARRMA? If not, it is their most affordable line-up of vehicles with prices starting at $159. We recently received one of the Mega Series Granite Monster Trucks for review and took some pictures so you can see exactly what it looks like when you open the box for the first time. [...]


Thunder Tiger e-MTA G2

Thunder Tiger e-MTA G2 1/8 Monster Truck

Some have dubbed 2014 as “The year of the monster truck!” and it would be hard to argue otherwise. What is the latest monster truck to be announced? The Thunder Tiger e-MTA G2. The e-MTA G2 uses elements from the first generation of e-MTA plus it has some new additions. The change that strikes out the most is its shocks. They [...]


Hitmoto Bowie Monster Truck

Himoto 1/10 Bowie Monster Truck at Asiatees Hobbies

The folks over at Asiatees Hobbies wanted us to let you know they now have the Himoto Bowie in stock. The Himoto Bowie is a 10th scale monster truck that comes RTR with either a brushed or a brushless powerplant. The brushless version goes for about $240, while the brushed version is priced at only $110. Want more details? Find [...]


Losi LST XXL-2 Review

Review – Losi LST XXL-2 4WD Gasoline Monster Truck

THE Losi LST XXL-2 4WD Gasoline Monster Truck ReviewHype, hype, and more hype, that has been the name of the gas game so far. The first offering, the HPI Octane, seemed to come up a bit short of all the promises. Hit the “Read More” button below to read our review of the second gas burner to hit the market, [...]


Pro-Line RAM 1500 Clear Body

Pro-Line RAM 1500 Clear Body for Monster Truck

Remember our big contest where we gave one of these away a couple of weeks ago? Big props to the Pro-Line crew for hooking up one of our readers before they were officially announced. Now that the official press release has come out, have a look at the official pictures and information. The RAM 1500 for monster truck is not only [...]


Unboxing – LOSI LST XXL 2 – 1/8th Scale Gas Monster Truck

We finally got around to digging our Losi LST XXL 2 Gas truck out of the box, and it is a beast! Coming hot on the heals of another recently released gas truck, we are really looking forward to bashing the heck out of this thing, and seeing what that .31 gas engine can do! As you can see it [...]


LRP S10 Blast MT 2

LRP S10 Blast MT 2 Brushless RTR 4WD Monster Truck

The latest monster truck from the guys over at LRP is their S10 Blast MT 2 Brushless truck. The Blast MT has been a popular basher choice for quite some time, now it will be available with world renown LRP brushless power. Some of its features and specifications include- * 1/10th scale 4wd chassis * LRP Vector K7 4300kv brushless power * Sway [...]


HPI Racing Savage XL Octane Review

HPI Racing – Savage XL Octane Review *Update: Now with Video!The world has been waiting for almost three years since HPI Racing announced the Savage XL Octane, and it’s a good thing we were not holding our breath because we were all expecting it a little sooner. The Savage XL Octane is the first 1/8 Scale GAS monster truck to hit [...]


Hobao Hyper MT Sport Electric

Hobao Hyper MT Sport Electric Monster Truck

2014 is certainly a banner year for Monster Trucks. With the HPI Savage Octane and Losi LST XXL-2 leading the way on the gas side, and other big entries to the market like the ARRMA Kraton and Kyosho Psycho Kruiser, it’s never been a better time to be a monster truck fan. Hobao is now teasing their latest monster truck, the [...]


HPI Savage Octane

Shipping Now – HPI Savage XL Octane Gas RTR

Hang on rc world, here comes gas. If you have been by our BigSquidRC Facebook Group lately, then you will have seen that the HPI Savage Octane has shipped and is started to hit consumer hands. One of the members of our group, David F., has already posted a few pictures of his HPI Octane, so we thought why not show [...]


Duratrax hatchet MT Tires

Unboxing – Duratrax 3.8 Hatchet MT Pre-Mounted Tires

There was one tire that stood out after the announcement of Duratrax’s new 3.8 Monster Truck Tire line-up, the Hatchet MT. You see, the Hatchet uses a scale inspired chevron style tread that looks like the tires on a full size monster truck, and they should do a great job of shoveling mud/dirt/gravel while out bashing. Luckily it wasn’t long [...]


Duratrax 3.8 Monster Truck Tires

Duratrax 3.8 Monster Truck Tires & Pre-Mounted Sets

So you’ve got a big mean monster truck but find you can’t put all the power to the ground with your stock tires. Duratrax has a brand new line-up of 3.8″ Tires and Pre-mounts to solve your problem. Borrowing from their smaller tires, Duratrax has brought Banditos, Lockups, and Six Packs up to the 3.8 size, and they also introduce [...]


RC4WD Twisted Monster Truck Spiked Tire Tamiya

RC4WD Twisted Monster Truck Spiked Tire for Tamiya Clod

Do you have a classic monster truck that is in need of new tires? The folks over at RC4WD have announced their new Twisted spiked tires for the Tamiya Clodbuster. This all new design uses large spikes to provide good traction on a wide variety of surfaces. * Weight- 2.57oz each * Comes in X2 SS Compound * Outer Diameter- 5.96″ * Width: 4.21″ * [...]


Pro-Line Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon Clear Monster Truck Body

Pro-Line Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon Clear Monster Truck…

After releasing some teaser pics last week, Pro-Line has posted full information on their new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon Clear Body. The Jeep body was designed to fit trucks like the Traxxas T/E-maxx, Summit, and Revo, as well as other monsters like the HPI Savage. The tough classic styling of the Jeep Wrangler will help set your truck apart when [...]


Pro-line Big Joe II 2.2

Sneak Peak – Pro-Line Big Joe II 2.2″ Tires

Our friends over at Pro-Line have released a few “sneak peak” pictures of their new Big Joe II 2.2″ tires. The Big Joe II 2.2s are made to fit trucks like the HPI Savage XS Flux and the 16th scale Traxxas Summit. These should make a nice option for all you mini monster truck drivers looking for more traction. More [...]

