For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Helion Invictus 10MT Review

Review – Helion Invictus 10MT 4wd Brushless Monster Truck

THE Helion Invictus 10MT 4wd Monster Truck ReviewMonster trucks are the weapon of choice for a true basher, their large tires give them plenty of ground clearance for grass driving and driving over large clods of dirt. One of the latest entries in this product categories comes from Helion, a division of Firelands Group and an exclusive product at HobbyTown [...]


Helion Invictus Unboxing Pictures

Unboxing Pictures – Helion Invictus 4wd Monster Truck

The latest vehicle to make its way into the line-up at Helion is the Invictus Monster Truck. It’s a 10th scale MT sporting large tires, waterproofing, and 4wd, the makings of a great bash machine. We first cracked the Helion box open during one of our live Google + shows and today we’ll be posting the unboxing pictures to give [...]


Kyosho DMT VE-R 4 Pole Brushless Monster Truck

4 Pole Kyosho DMT VE-R 3S Capable 4wd Monster Truck

The Kyosho DMT VE-R monster truck has been out a while, but now it comes with a 4 pole brushless motor and is 3S capable. All you hard-core bashers already know that 4 pole motors give loads of torque and going from 2S to 3S is like going from a Toyota Prius to a Nissan GT-R. The new power-plant in [...]


Unboxing the Thunder Tiger e-MTA Photos

From the moment it was announced we have been wanting to get our hands on the Thunder Tiger e-MTA! Well we now have one in our possession, and it was time to get it out of the box! Enjoy the pictures! #gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in [...]


Maxxis Tires

THE Cub Report, 03.25.2013, Version- The Grand Poobah Of RC

I am sure some of you guys stayed up late, crazy late, to watch the F1 Grand Prix from Malaysia Satruday night. Of course I watched it live, all the while texting fellow F1’ers and watching the fast moving F1 G+ feed while NBCSHD held a commercial-fest every 5 laps or so. What a pity that watching F1 in America [...]


Team Associated Rival Monster Truck

Team Associated Qualifier Series Rival Monster Truck RTR

A brand spanking new from Team Associated? Yes indeed, all you long time Associated fans can rejoice, they’ve heard your call for an uber basher and here it is- the 8th scale Qualifier Series Rival Monster Truck. Some of the highlights include- * 8 big oil filled shocks * 3 sealed gear diffs * Large monster truck tires * 17mm hexes on wheels * 4 wheel [...]


thunder tiger emta monster truck

Thunder Tiger eMTA 8th Scale Monster Truck is Coming to the …

We just got word that the Thunder Tiger eMTA 8th Scale Brushless Monster Truck is heading to the USA! Woo Hoo! We have had our fingers crossed about this one for a while. We posted a bunch of details HERE about it, then even a video of it in action HERE! Looks like it’s going to run around $499. Stay tuned [...]


Big Squid RC Crew Hanging out at Monster Jam

Today Wrench (aka Bill) and I loaded up the families and headed to check out this years Monster Jam event in Rosemont Illinois. While everyone had a good time, it all seemed very scripted. Like we were watching WWE with trucks. Grave Digger won all 3 competitions. The race, the wheelie, and the freestyle. And while the truck put on [...]


Big Squid RC – All Your RC News In One Place!

Since the beginning of Big Squid RC, we have always posted the occasional RC Boat News in our rc-boat tag, and we have also posted RC Plane News under our RC Plane tag. While 99% of our news is surface related, as bashers we tend to dabble in other things. Most of us here own or have owned several boats, and [...]


hpi savage xl octane gas powered monster truck

HPI Savage XL Octane Gasoline Powered RTR Monster Truck

Remember the gas powered engines that HPI first showed at Toy Show in Germany earlier this year? It looks like they are about to come to fruition with the new Savage XL Octane monster truck. The new Octane Savage features a 15cc gas engine for more torque and longer runtimes. Some of the other features include- * All-new 15CC gasoline powered [...]


Thunder Tiger eMTA video Cap

Video- Thunder Tiger eMTA Brushless Monster Truck

The guys over at Thunder Tiger have released a new video for their latest uber basher, the e-MTA monster truck. The video showcases some of the features of the new Thunder Tiger e-MTA and also contains some pretty sic bashing footage. The e-MTA looks impressive in the video, with lots of wheelies, and standing back and front flips. But just [...]


Thunder Tiger e-MTA 8th scale brushless monster truck

Thunder Tiger e-MTA 8th Scale Brushless Monster Truck

We are all about bashing here at BigSquidRC, and when it comes to hardcore bashing Monster Trucks are kings of the hill. In the last couple of years Thunder Tiger has built a strong reputation around their MT4 G3 monster truck, and we’ve just received information on the newest big truck from them, their e-MTA. The new e-MTA comes with [...]


Electric Bigfoot 20 Car Crushing

Video- Electric Full Size Monster Truck Car Crushing, Bigfoo…

Electric power has been the dominant force in rc for years now, and we see it creep more and more into the full size scene. The guys over at Bigfoot 4×4 Inc have taken full scale electric to a whole new level with their new Bigfoot #20. Take a look at the video below to see their latest creation using [...]


arrma granite

ARRMA Granite Review

THE ARRMA Granite Monster Truck RTR Review The ARRMA line is aimed squarely at our favorite people, us, the basher crowd. Today we’ll be taking a look at the ARRMA Granite, their entry into the 2wd monster truck class. Is it tough? Is it fast enough to have fun? Is it worth the cash? Let’s see…


HPI Bullet MT Flux Review

THE HPI Bullet Monster Truck Flux ReviewWhat seems like a long time ago, HPI announced the Bullet MT Flux in Europe, and it finally made it’s way to the USA. From the first announcement we were interested due to it’s size and power. While bigger is always better, sometimes you just don’t want to drive a huge truck like the [...]

