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JConcepts Aluminum Upgrades for the Associated B7

JConcepts Announces Aluminum Upgrades for the Associated B7

Over at JConcepts they have announced 6 New Aluminum Upgrades for the mighty Team Associated B7 race buggy. All of the JC aluminum upgrades not only look trick, but can also help improve performance while out on the track. Here’s the highlights- RC10B7 Aluminum Rear Ball-Stud Mount • CNC-machined, aluminum • Standard 3 holes for performance tuning options • Peace of mind performance • Blue [...]


Exotek RC Aluminum 3 Gear Gearbox Motor Plate AE DR10M

Exotek Aluminum 3 Gear Gearbox w/ Motor Plate for the DR10M

The crew over at Exotek have announced a new Aluminum 3 Gear Gearbox w/ Motor Plate for the mighty Team Associated DR10M drag car. The aluminum gearbox is great for keep temperatures down, while also keeping your gears in perfect alignment. Check out these highlights- * Perfect for bullet proofing your DR10M * Heavy duty machined alloy gearbox * New “3 Gear” option [...]


JConcepts Aluminum Fan & Honeycomb Motor Plate Set Traxxas Slash 4x4

JConcepts Slash 4×4 Aluminum Fan & Honeycomb Motor Plate Se…

Shipping now from JConcepts is a new Aluminum Fan & Honeycomb Motor Plate Set for the mighty Slash 4×4. The new motor plate and fan mount set is made from high-end materials and can go a long way towards keeping motor temps down in your Slash 4×4. Here are the highlights- * Motor plate is machined from billet aluminum * Motor plate [...]


JConcepts +2mm Associated DR10 SR10 Aluminum Motor Plate

JConcepts +2mm Associated DR10/SR10 Aluminum Motor Plate

New from JConcepts is a +2mm Associated DR10/SR10 Aluminum Motor Plate. When drag racing, sometimes you need to run a really big pinion gear, the new JConcepts motor plate makes it easy to run extra tall gearing on your DR10 or SR10. Here are the highlights- * Made from 3mm thick CNC machined aluminum * Lightweight honeycomb design * Longer slots in plate [...]


Team Associated RC10B6.1 FT Carbon Fiber Standup Motor Plate

Team Associated RC10B6.1 FT Carbon Fiber Standup Motor Plate

Over at Team Associated they have announced a new Carbon Fiber Standup Motor Plate for the RC10B6.1 race buggy. The carbon fiber motor plate is great for saving weight, as well as looking ridiculously trick. Here are the highlights- * Fits- RC10B6.1, RC10B6.1D, RC10B6.1DL, RC10SC6.1, RC10T6.1 * Made from 3mm thick carbon fiber * Drop on fit * Ultra-lightweight design The Associated Carbon Fiber Standup [...]


Exotek Aluminum Laydown Motor Plate Associated B6.3

Exotek Aluminum Laydown Motor Plate For The Associated B6.3

New from Exotek Racing is an Aluminum Laydown Motor Plate for the Team Associated B6.3 race buggy. This stealthy 2-color anodized motor plate not only looks trick, but was also designed for serious performance. Here are the highlights- * Made from CNC machined 7075 aluminum * Fits Associated B6.3-B6.1, T6.1, and SC6.1 * Trick 2 color anodizing * Customized polished black base with blue [...]


Exotek Racing Lightweight Drag Motor Plate Losi 22S

Exotek Racing Lightweight Drag Motor Plate for the Losi 22S

New from Exotek Racing is a very trick Lightweight Drag Motor Plate for the Losi 22S. Made from CNC machined aluminum, this vented motor plate is a high-end upgrade for your drag machine. Here are the highlights- * Aggressive slots for less weight & to help lower motor temps * Slots also help cool down the inner slipper parts * Weight- 14 grams [...]


McAllister Racing Carbon Fiber Motor Plate

McAllister Racing Carbon Fiber Motor Plate

New from McAllister Racing is a Carbon Fiber Motor Plate. This high-end motor plate was designed for all out performance and fits the Custom Works Outlaw 4, as well as the Rocket 4. Here are more highlights- * Mid-motor configuration motor plate * Extremely lightweight design * Allows wide range of gearing options * Made in the USA * Comes with installation hardware The McAllister Racing [...]


JConcepts Aluminum Transmission Motor Plate Axial AX10 SMT10

JConcepts Aluminum Transmission Motor Plate for Axial AX10 &…

Here is a great upgrade for a bunch of you Axial owners out there. JConcepts has announced a new Aluminum Transmission Motor Plate that fits trucks like the Axial AX10, the SCX10, the Wraith, as well as the SMT10 monster truck. Check out these highlights- * Honeycomb milling for strength in multiple directions * Lightweight design * Made from 3mm thick aluminum * Durable [...]


JConcepts B6 3-Gear Honeycomb Motor Plate Shield

JConcepts B6 3-Gear Honeycomb Motor Plate With Shield

Shipping soon from JConcepts is a Honeycomb Motor Plate With Shield for the Team Associated B6 buggy with 3-gear laydown transmission. The JConcepts motor plate is stronger than the stock unit for better durability and is made from 3mm thick aluminum. The motor plate’s honeycomb design has a cool look to it and will be available in a black or [...]


Exotek B6 Motor Plate Spur Cover

Exotek Associated B6 Motor Plate With Spur Cover

Coming soon from Exotek Racing is a Motor Plate With Spur Cover for the Associated B6 buggy. The motor plate is machined from 7075 aluminum and is a vented design to help keep your motor cooler. The spur gear cover is made from Delrin and has a removable design. Made to fit the 3 gear laydown transmission, the motor plate [...]


JConcepts B6 3-Gear Lay Down Honeycomb Motor Plate

JConcepts B6 3-Gear Lay Down Honeycomb Motor Plate

The JConcepts crew has announced a trick looking Honeycomb Motor Plate for 3-gear lay down transmission equipped Associated B6 buggies. The motor plate is milled out to save weight and designed to be more rigid than the stock unit in multiple directions. This should help keep it from bending during big crashes while adding a cool look to your B6. [...]


Hot Racing Yeti XL Motor Plate

Hot Racing Heat Sink Motor Plate for the Axial Yeti XL

For you hardcore bashers looking to keep the temps down on the motor in your Axial Yeti XL, the crew over at Hot Racing has a new product for you. Their new Heat Sink Motor Plate for the Yeti XL is said to help pull heat out of the motor to allow for extended runs on 6S LiPO. The heat [...]


Kyosho RB6 Hop-up Parts from ST Racing Concepts

The Kyosho RB6 buggy has really started taking off and STRC now has some of their uber hop-up parts for it. We’ve tested many different STRC hop-up parts and they all have proven to be very high quality. If you are looking to put the best on your Kyosho take a look at what STRC now has to offer for [...]


RPM Gearbox housing and motor plate for Traxxas Slash/Stampede/Rustler

RPM Hybrid Gearbox Housing and Rear Mounts for Traxxas Truck…

If you are a loyal electric Traxxas Slash, Stampede, Bandit, or Rustler owner, then you already know some of the downside of the stock gearbox. One of the biggest problems is the motor bolts to a plastic plate rather than metal, not giving a place for all that motor heat to dissipate to. RPM Products is legendary in the bashing world [...]

