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Tamiya Neo Fighter Buggy Green Metallic

Tamiya Neo Fighter Buggy In Green Metallic

Coming soon to a hobby shop near you is the Tamiya Neo Fighter Buggy in Green Metallic. The latest version of the Neo Fighter comes with a pre-painted/pre-cut green metallic body to give it a special look. * Comes on the easy to drive DT-03 chassis * Fluorescent green wheels * Length- 400mm * Easy to build kit * White plastic shocks The Neo Fighter is [...]


Tamiya Neo Fighter Buggy DT03

Tamiya Neo Fighter Buggy DT03

New in the Tamiya booth at the 2014 Nuremberg Toy Fair is the Neo Fighter Buggy DT03. The Neo Fighter is a 2wd 10th scale buggy and comes as an easy to assemble kit. With friction shocks and a basic design the Neo Fighter could be a good choice for your youngsters first kit. The part number is #58587 and [...]

