For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Tamiya RC Fighter NXGEN Buggy Kit

The Backyard – 2025 gets rolling with some new releases!

Happy Friday all and welcome to The Backyard. Lots of news this week, as various companies, most notably Tamiya and Kyosho, announced their 2025 releases at the Nuremberg International Toy Fair in Germany. Sadly for me, another year without a Juggernaut 2 re-release. Fans of on-road cars and buggies are probably happier though! Tamiya has the BMW license again, and they appear [...]


Kyosho 2025 Nuremburg Teaser

Kyosho Teases New On-Road Car At Nuremburg Toy Fair

The crew at Kyosho is now teasing a new On-Road Car that will be unveiled at this year’s Nuremburg Toy Fair in Germany. The Nuremburg Toy Fair gets started in a few days and Kyosho is building some suspense via an on-road teaser. The Toy Fair runs from January 28 to February 1 and you can get a look at [...]


ARRMA RC – Brushless Versions, Hop Ups and a New Controller?

The folks from ARRMA have finally announced the new brushless versions of their line of vehicles. We have been waiting on this for a while! Their new line has BLX attached to the name. So the ARRMA Granite BLX will be the brushless version. The new versions promise TONS of improvements over the previous models as well like waterproof ESCs [...]


Nuremberg 2012 Videos

Our man Igor posted a few short Nuremberg Toy Fair videos up for us to enjoy. We have the Traxxas XO-1 on their custom Dyno showing off some top speed numbers. We then have the MCD Brushless 1/5 scale Race Runner V4 leaving some rubber on the carpeting. And finally the Böhm Stirling Car A4 which was this crazy steam [...]


fg rc

FG Booth Nuremberg

As we start to wrap up our coverage of the Nuremberg Toy Fair, we bring you a few more booth tours. These shots are from the 1/5th scale masters.. FG. You can see the huge Castle motor conversion in one of their new vehicles. I bet that thing can move! The exploded view shot after the break is also pretty [...]


THE Cub Report- 02.05.2012- Version: Copious Amounts of Sarc…

Hey ya guys, welcome to yet another wonderful week in our lovely hobby, and thanks yet again for reading BigSquid. 39 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes and 51 seconds till the cars roll off for the season opener in Formula 1. Just say’n… If you are a noob and have ever wondered “What is the biggest rc race in the [...]


serpent cobra gt

Serpent Booth from Nuremberg

Another super high-end rc company is Serpent. These guys always have vehicles that make you say wow. Their booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair had some great new vehicles. The Serpent Cobra GT body is just awesome, their F1 stuff is pretty cool, and those buggies and truggies look ready for action. Enjoy the pics! #gallery-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-5 .gallery-item { float: [...]


Carisma Igor

Carisma Racing Booth

Our own Igor P. posing with the guys from Carisma Racing at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. Some highlights to look for in the pictures, the big yellow rims on the VW Baja, the GT14, Ivan’s awesome shirt, the Golf and Touareg prototypes, as well as their GT14B. #gallery-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-7 img { border: 2px solid [...]


hpi xg engine

HPI eXtreme Gas Pics from Nuremberg

We recently posted the announcement of the 1/8 scale HPI eXtreme Gas (XG) Engine. Then Cubby did a Special Report, and now we bring you all the XG photos from the HPI booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. You can see in a few of these photo’s the rapid prototype exhaust systems, and some of the boxes that will [...]


hb competition rock crawler

HB Competition Rock Crawler

It was recently announced, and now we have some shots from the Nuremberg Toy Fair of the new HB Competition Rock Crawler. These shots show what the crawler looks like in rapid prototype form. This is a quick way to make parts and prototypes while giving you a good idea of what the product will look like, but rapid prototypes [...]


mcd toy fair booth

MCD Booth at Nuremberg

Tired of all the little 1/10th and 1/8th stuff? The MCD Racing booth was packed with 1/5th scale goodness Nuremberg Toy Fair. Highlights include the prototype vehicle with the 2 Tekin motors, and some Castle Creations conversion kits. Even their electric versions need brakes to help slow these huge things down. #gallery-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-13 [...]


XRAY Booth Tour

Stopping by the Team XRAY booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair, it was exactly what you would expect. Ultra high-end off-road and on-road that just makes you drool. We took a TON of pictures, so make sure to click the read-more to see the whole set! #gallery-15 { margin: auto; } #gallery-15 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-15 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-15 [...]


schumacher cougar

Schumacher Booth at Nuremberg

Stopping by the Schumacher booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair we were able to meet us with a good friend of Big Squid, Mr. Robin Schumacher. We have known Robin for a few years now, and it’s always good talking with him. He showed us the new Cougar SV2, check out that top deck! Also the new onroad Mi4 CXL. [...]


Traxxas 1:16 Grave Digger

Traxxas 1/16 Scale Grave Digger

New from Traxxas is the 1/16th scale Grave Digger! We spotted it here at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. Looks like it’s going to ship brushed with the Titan 12T, but knowing Traxxas, a VXL version is probably not far behind.You can see it will have the green highlight parts just like it’s big brother. Catch all of our fair [...]


RB Booth at Nuremberg

Here are some pics from the RB booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. Some interesting items, their new electric prototype buggy that was under glass. Looks pretty sleek, but hard to tell what’s under there. For the nitro guys, check out their new tuned pipe with no springs or rubber coupler! The pipes lock in together with a twist. Their [...]

