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Pro-Line Polycarbonate RC Car Body Paint

Pro-Line RC Body Paint Phase 2

Here ya go rc body painters, Pro-Line is now shipping Phase 2 of their new airbrush paint line-up. Phase 2 comes with 12 new premium colors to make your next paint job the best one yet. The Pro-Line paint is pre-thinned and water based. This makes it perfect for polycarbonate bodies that require an ultra-flexible, highly durable finish. Part #6326-02 [...]


Pro-Line Airbrush RC Car Paint Video

Video – New Pro-Line RC Car Paint

First teased a few weeks ago, Pro-Line has now posted a video to showcase their all new RC Car Airbrush Paint line-up. The folks at Pro-Line take bodies very seriously, their new paint line is no different. The P-L crew worked very hard to put out some incredible paint, watch the video below to learn more and to get pumped [...]


Pro-Line RC Car Airbrush Paint

All New Paint Line-Up From Pro-Line!!!

WHOA, now here is a big new announcement- Pro-Line is releasing an all new RC Car Airbrush Paint Line-Up! That’s right, soon you will be able to buy some seriously cool colors from your favorite body company! Here are more details- * Specially formulated for polycarbonate bodies * Durable, yet flexible * Spray without the hassle of mixing * Can be reduced with P-L [...]


Fastrax RC Matt Finish Overspray Varnish

Fastrax RC Matte Finish Overspray Varnish

With flat matte finishes being all the rage right now, Fastrax RC has developed a product to make the process easy. Now you can take one of your bodies, apply the Fastrax Matte Finish Overspray Varnish, then end with up a trick looking matte finish! How cool is that? Fastrax says the varnish process is easy to do and you [...]


Pactra Polycarbonate Paint

Pactra Polycarbonate Paint Reappears

Recently we saw that Tower Hobbies posted a bunch of Polycarbonate Paint from Pactra on their website. Pactra has long been our favorite paint to use when doing up a new body and we look forward to once again being able to lay our hands on some. Tower posted about about 20 different colors in 3oz cans, all of which [...]


Duratrax body paint

New Colors for Duratrax Polycarbonate Body Paints

The already very successful Duratrax line of paints has just expanded with several new colors. The new colors include four solids, two candies, one fluorescent, one pearl, and a brand new chrome for the truly bling-thirsty. All Duratrax Paints provide excellent coverage and are available in 4.5 ounce spray cans and 0.5 ounce bottles. The new 4.5 oz spray cans (priced [...]


Duratrax RC Paint

Duratrax R/C Intro to Painting Video

We recently posted the announcement about the new Duratrax Paints coming soon. They have just released a video discussing their new lineup as well as give some quick and simple tips for you folks looking to paint your first body.Click Here to head over on the official Duratrax website to check out all the available colors. Click Right Here [...]


Duratrax RC Paint

Official – Duratrax High Quality RC Paints

Have a hot paint scheme for that new body of yours? Now there is a new brand of paint to chose from, Duratrax RC Paints. Available in a wide variety of colors and in two different sizes, the Duratrax paints are said to offer excellent coverage at a great price per-ounce. Duratrax RC Paint * 4.5 oz Spray Cans- $7.99 each * Fluorescent [...]


Duratrax r/c paint

R/C Lexan Paint from Duratrax

Pactra left a big hole in the paint market when it was discontinued, leaving many customers wondering where they would get their favorite colors from. Whenever there is a demand, there will be someone to fill in the supply, and now we’ve learned that Duratrax is coming out with a new R/C paint line-up. The Duratrax R/C Paint line will [...]


Spaz Stix Body Painting Contest

Spaz Stix Body Painting Contest

Our friends over at Spaz Stix paints wanted us to let you know that time is running out in their body painting contest. The contest ends on February 28th and all it takes to enter is to submit a picture of a body (or bodies) that you have done with Spaz Stix paint. The winner will get a cool $250 [...]


parma ihobby 2013

Parma Booth iHobby 2013

The friendly folks over at Parma have a cool booth here at the iHobby Expo 2013. They are also showing a brand new body, the Speed Shop Hauler. The Speed Shop Hauler looks like a chopped mid-50’s pick-up truck, offering an unique alternative to pop on your short course truck. You can see Cubby holding one below in the first [...]


Spaz Stix Paint Review

Spaz Stix Paint ReviewRecently several major paint companies have tossed in the towel. One of the few companies left is Spaz Stix. These paints are known for being very different and cool colors. While they make regular colors like blue, they also make Electric Blue Fluorescent. Why settle for orange when you can have color changing Orange/Purple /Teal. So [...]


Spaz Stix Gold To Red

Spaz Stix Color Changing Paint

Spaz Stix has been making distinctive rc paints for years now. For those of you looking to up the bling factor on your next paint job Spaz Stix now has a new paint that changes from gold to red in color as you view it. Simply spray down the gold to red, then use 2-3 coats of their black backer. [...]


DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Painting and Detailing – Part 2

Day 6 is the last build day of DuraTrax Evader DT Week. I’m finally getting around to doing my custom paint on my DT. The pre-trimmed, pre-drilled clear body from DuraTrax (Part DTXC6218) looks great and is easy to paint. There’s not much more to say about this one, I’m certainly no artist, but I like the [...]

