For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Hitec Pokemon Go Multi Jump Charger USB Output

Hitec Japan Pokemon GO Multi Jump Charger

Since we have lots of readers allover the world, this will be interesting for more than a few people. The crew over at Hitec Japan have released a photo of how versatile their Multi Jump Charger is. Not only can it be used to jumpstart cars, but it also makes a pretty handy portable cell phone charger for playing Pokémon [...]


Pokemon GO GT Power Portable USB Output

GT Power Portable USB Charger For Pokémon GO

Do you have a bunch of LiPo batteries laying around your house? Have you found yourself totally addicted to Pokémon GO? If so, an rc company named GT Power has an item for you. GT Power makes a Portable Cell Checker that has a USB Output Port. This allows you, the serious Pokémon GO player, to use your rc LiPo [...]

