For Bashers, By Bashers!

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RB Innovations 1/5th Scale Supercharger

RB Innovations 1/5th Scale Supercharger

Are you the type of person that can’t get enough power? Hey, we know how you feel, and so do the people at RB Innovations. RB has just announced their new Supercharger for 5th scale engines. Whether you are a 5th scale drag racer, you drive in the dunes, or just want a LOT more power to bash with, the [...]


rb innovations losi 5ive

RB Innovations – Losi 5ive Upgrades

This is like a RB Innovations mega post! RB Innovations just announced a ton of new hop-up / upgrade parts for the Losi 5ive. Their new parts include a Center Differential with Alloy Gear Cover, a Hyper-Charger air intake system, inner cooler airbox, front and rear aluminum shock mounts, aluminum body mounts, front steering support plate, steering link, front and [...]

