For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Losing grip – MST FXX 2.0S

Depending on perspective, this column is either ten days late, or three days late. Suffice to say, that moving countries tends to put hobby matters quite far down on the to-do list. Making sure kids and some four hundred pounds of luggage gets on and off the plane, does not leave a lot of room for RC related matters. Nor [...]


Losing grip – once upon a time

Doug was certainly the right man to sum up the last decade in regards to RC monster trucks. I certainly don’t have the historical perspective on RC drifting, that he has on solid axle monsters – from a historical perspective I pretty much just got into it. Luckily, for it saved me a lot of trouble not having to go [...]


Losing grip – work in progress

It’s Christmas day, and I’m at work. That’s a bad thing. I’m at work, but have downtime. That’s a good thing. While I don’t get to see my family, I do get to do some writing for this most esteemed of sites. And no, I have nothing better to do, except maybe watch a movie. So yes, that essentially means [...]


Losing grip – wheels keep on turning

Last week I wrote about how it was too warm and I was too lazy to go to my usual spot in the park for drifting, so instead did some drifting around the BBQ in the back. At the end of the day, my previously very shiny body was not so shiny any more, since it happened to be a [...]


Losing grip – first cut is the deepest

The first cut is the deepest, sang Cat Stevens about love. RC cars weren’t even invented back then, yet his words ring true in our hobby. Christmas is coming, winter is not. At least not where I live, on the southern hemisphere. Summer has only just started, it seven o’clock in the evening and almost uncomfortably warm inside. Had I not [...]

