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Rogue Element Transmission Case RC10

Rogue Element Aluminum Tranny Case for Associated RC10 Class…

Rogue Element Components have announced a trick looking aluminum transmission case for the Associated RC10 Classic buggy. The tranny case is machined from 6061-T6 billet aluminum, making it strong, lightweight, and it will not warp with heat or stress. Plus, this limited edition case is bound to bring up the bling-factor of your buggy several notches. The price of the Rogue [...]


JConcepts RC10 Classic Wheels Tires

JConcepts Tires & Wheels for Associated RC10 Classic

The much anticipated Associated RC10 Classic has made a splash on the market and now JConcepts has announced era correct wheels and tires for it. The new JConcepts wheels and tires bring today’s styling and performance to the classic buggy. For front tires JConcepts offers the Rips. These front ribbed tires offer increased traction and are available in the super soft [...]


JConcepts Carbon Fiber

JConcepts Carbon Fiber Upgrades for Associated RC10 Classic

JConcepts has just announced three Carbon Fiber upgrades for the newly released Associated RC10 Classic buggy. First up is a front tower. Made from 2.5mm carbon fiber it has a part number of #2302 and sports a street price of $21. The JConcepts rear tower has a part number of #2303 and is priced at $22. Finally, JConcepts also has a [...]


Rogue Elements Aluminum Wheels RC10 Classic

Rogue Element's Aluminum Wheels for the Associated RC10 Clas…

Want to give your new Team Associated RC10 Classic that classic Jay Halsey look from the 1980s? Now you can with aluminum wheels from Rogue Element. The Rogue Element wheels are made from 6061-T6 aluminum, look just like the ’80s originals, and work with the stock inserts and screws. To get more information on Rogue Element Components simply click This [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, 11.03.2013, Version- Bash'n w/ Kitty Pryde &…

Hello rc fans, it’s another week in our funtabulous hobby, and welcome to THE Cub Report. First a bit of BSRC news… We’ve got another big week ahead, but then they all seem to be “big” now days (thanks to all you guys). We’ll be posting a review of the 18th scale ECX Ruckus this week, along with the daily news and [...]


JConcepts Detonator RC10 Classic Body

JConcepts Detonator RC10 Classic Body

JConcepts has a new body for the recently re-released Team Associated RC10 Classic called the Detonator. The Detonator incorporates an 80’s & early 90’s style look along with a 5.5″ wing to bring a cool new design to the classic buggy. * Snug fit on chassis * Reverse hood scoop * Rear biased cab w/ over the tower design * Large windows w/ roll [...]


Xtreme Racing RC10 Classic Carbon Fiber Parts

Xtreme Racing RC10 Classic Carbon Fiber Parts

Are you looking to uber-out your Associated RC10 Classic? If so, the guys over at Xtreme Racing have several trick 3mm carbon fiber parts to set your RC10 Classic apart from the crowd. These parts include- * Battery cup small strap, $9 * Transmission brace, $12 * Front tower, $24 * Worlds front tower, $24 * Rear tower, $24 You can get more information on the [...]


Team Associated RC10 Classic Accessories

Team Associated RC10 Classic Accessories

For all you RC10 Classic lovers, Team Associated has just announced some new accessories for your favorite buggy. Some are just for customization, while others allow you to convert your older ride over to newer shoes. The list of accessories include- * #6252 Bellcrank Steering Kit- Available Sept. * #6301 RC10 Chassis, black- Sept. * #6309 RC10 Nose Plate, black- Sept. * #6369 RC10 CVA [...]


Team Associated RC10 Classis Buggy

Parts List for the Re-Release Associated RC10 Classic Buggy

The crew over at Team Associated have just announced the parts list for their re-release of the RC10 buggy. If you’ve got an old gold tub laying around with some broken parts you might find just what you need on this list to get your rig back on the track. To see the full list simply click THIS LINK. Thirsty for [...]


Team Associated RC10 Classis 6001

Team Associated RC10 Classic #6001

There is huge news out of the Team Associated camp- they have just announced that they are doing a re-release of the original RC10 buggy. The original RC10 was a legendary buggy that got countless people into the hobby and revolutionized the sport of rc racing. The new limited edition RC10 Classic sports the part number of #6001, [...]

