For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Team Associated takes brushes out of RC18T2

The A Team‘s got a thing for brushless, adding it to almost their entire line of RTR vehicles.  The RC18T2 is the next in line to receive the ridiculous power.  This new edition comes out of the box with a Reedy micro brushless ESC and 5000kv motor.  The ESC is LiPo ready, accepting 2 – 3S LiPos or 6 – [...]



Surprising no one, Associated has announced that their RC18T2 (previously seen as the T2/B2 combo team kit) will soon be available as an RTR.  It’s obviously based on the new belt drive chassis that all of the recent Associated 1/18s have been built on.  As is usual with the RC18s it’s coming with everything you need except the AA batteries [...]

