For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Axial SCX10 Mud Truck Conversion: Part Two

Before we get started, you can click here for Part One if you missed it. Building the trucks? Easy. Building the mud pit? PITA. This is the numero uno thing I’ve learned about racing r/c mudders. And of course the day we picked to build the track and run these vehicles just so happened to be 95 degrees with high humidity [...]


Axial SCX10 Mud Truck Conversion: Part One

I’ve always been one to champion the Axial SCX10 for its versatility. The truck can be counted on to do a bunch of stuff with minimal work. For a personal example of this, I recently wrote a couple articles showcasing how easy it is to turn it into a pulling truck. With that in mind, a product recently hit the marketplace that [...]


Product Spotlight – RC4WD 2.2 Mud Basher Tires

As a few of you longtime readers may be aware of, I’m a big fan of mud trucks. So when I saw the new RC4WD 2.2 Mud Basher announcement a couple months ago, you know I was clicking the “ADD TO CART” button on their site before I even finished reading the description. So here’s the funny thing. Mud tires (much [...]


Everybody's Scalin' - Applying a Vinyl Wrap to a Wraith Spaw…

Happy Friday! I made a post last week about getting a custom wrap for my Axial Wraith Spawn from the folks at FreqEskinz, and late last week a UPS box showed up at my door. What came out of the package is what you see above – a fresh sheet-o-stickers. For those curious on how a vinyl wrap is installed, [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ For the Weekend – Viva La Mega Truck

We are only a month into 2014 and based on the Nuremberg Toy Fair it already looks like this will be the year of the r/c monster truck. It seems EVERYONE just released a new or updated monster kit. I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t 2004. All of them come with big brushless power (except [...]

