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Team Associated APEX Limited Edition Touring Car Kit

Team Associated APEX Limited Edition Touring Car Kit

Team Associated has just announced a new Kit Version of the Apex 1/10 Touring Car. The kit version should be a great deal for school projects or people looking for a budget drifter/TC/VTA car. Available only for a limited time, it will only be available in the North American market. The Apex is priced at just $129, it has a part [...]


JConcepts Associated Shock O-Ring Replacement Set

JConcepts O-Ring Replacement Set For Associated Shocks

New from JConcepts are Replacement O-Rings for Team Associated shocks. The set comes with 14mm o-rings for the shock cap and shock adjustment collar, as well as 8.5mm o-rings for the lower shock cap. The o-rings are of the soft/medium variety to provide an optimal seal and are blue in color for easy identification. The o-rings are street priced right [...]


Associated Screw Set

Team Associated B6/B6D Titanium Screw Kit

Titanium Screw Kits are pretty trick. They are lighter than stock and are much more trick looking. Team Associated recently announced a Titanium screw kit for their B6 and B6D buggies. 90 screws are included in all and they are sized to be perfect replacements for the stock fasteners. The set is priced at $46, it has a part number of [...]


Pro-Line Predator Clear Body AE B6 B6D

Pro-Line Predator Clear Body For AE B6 & B6D

New from Pro-Line is a high performance Predator Body for the Team Associated B6 and B6D. The Predator can not only give your Associated a cool new look, but was designed to yield more balanced handling around the track. Made from crystal clear Lexan, the body comes with over-spray protection, window masks, and a large decal sheet. Pricing for the latest [...]


Associated Optional Tall Rear Shock Tower RC10B6 B6D

Team Associated Optional Tall Rear Shock Tower RC10B6/B6D

New for RC10B6/B6D owners is an optional Tall Rear Shock Tower from Team Associated. The taller rear tower allows you to install longer shocks off the B5 to the back of your buggy for rough track conditions. Carbon fiber is used to make it light yet strong and it is expected to start shipping next month. The tower is priced [...]


Team Associated XP LED Aluminum Light Bars

Team Associated XP LED Aluminum Light Bars

New from Team Associated is 3 different XP LED Aluminum Light Bars. The light bars come in 5 LED (88mm), 7 LED (120mm), and a 10 LED (170mm) versions to fit nearly any vehicle. Designed for plug in convenience, the light bars are easy to install and come with a handy-dandy on-off switch. All the light bars are available right [...]


Associated Limited Edition RC10 World's Car Race Roller

Team Associated Limited Edition RC10 World’s Car Race Roller

Now available only on is the Team Associated Limited Edition RC10 World’s Car Race Roller. That’s right, now you can get an expertly assembled RC10 World’s Car to save you time getting ready for your next big vintage race. The RC10 World’s Race Roller comes with features like a hard anodized aluminum chassis, Stealth transmission, V2 slipper, and updated [...]


Reedy Blackbox 1000Z+ Sensored Brushless Competition ESC

Reedy Blackbox 1000Z+ Brushless ESC

New from Reedy is the 1000Z+ Brushless ESC. The 1000Z+ is aimed at the racing crowd that need a good sensored ESC with different timing modes for both mod and blinky classes. Some of the features on the 1000Z+ include- * ROAR approved software * 13 gauge wires * Single button programming * Fully adjustable * External capacitor board * 6 volt, 3 amp BEC * 2S [...]


Team Associated RC10B6 B6D

Team Associated RC10B6 And RC10B6D Buggies

BIG news for all you Team Associated fans, they have just announced the RC10B6 and RC10B6D buggies! A lot of people have been patiently waiting for the 6 series to arrive, now it is nearly here in two different forms! So what’s the scoop? * The 6D is intended for dirt use, while the 6 was designed for higher bite surfaces * [...]


Team Associated F1 Car

Associated Teases B6 Buggy and F1 Car

Is the sleeping giant starting to awaken? Earlier in the week Team Associated posted pics of their upcoming laydown transmission, now they have teased a new B6 and B6D buggy, and possibly even a Formula One on-road car. The B6 and B6D appeared briefly on Associated’s official website, while AE’s Rick Hohwart recently posted a picture of a prototype F1 [...]


Associated Stealth 3 gear laydown tranny b5m

Associated Prototype Stealth 3 Gear Laydown Tranny

Now being teased by Team Associated is a 3 Gear Laydown Tranny for the B5M buggy. This is the same style low-profile tranny used to win the IFMAR Worlds last year and was designed for ultra high bite tracks like AstroTurf and carpet. More details are coming soon, until then click This Link to visit the official Associated website. Learn more [...]


Pro-Line Enforcer Body Associated RC8T3

Pro-Line Enforcer Body For The Associated RC8T3

Need a new lid for your Team Associated RC8T3? If so, Pro-Line has just announced an Enforcer for you. The Enforcer body for the RC8T3 was designed for enhanced high-speed stability along with more steering thanks to its steeply raked front hood. Paint-then-peel overspray film included, as are window masks and an extensive sticker sheet. For pricing, the Enforcer hits [...]


Limited Edition Associated RC10B5 Team Kit with B5M Conversion

Limited Edition Associated RC10B5 Team Kit With B5M Conversi…

Get your tenth scale race on while saving some cash on the RC10B5 Team Kit With B5M Conversion from Team Associated. That’s right, for a limited time you can get one of the rear motor Associated buggies, plus all the parts you need for the mid-motor conversion, all for the low price of just $199. The buggy with conversion kit [...]


Reedy 4S 5200

Reedy 5200mAh 55C 14.8V LiPo Battery

New from the crew over at Reedy is the 5200mAh 55C 4S LiPo Battery. What’s new on the 4S 5200? Well, it has a 10% increase in capacity over the old model, yet still weighs the same. This gives you a bit more runtime while still making it easy to achieve a proper chassis weight distribution. It comes standard with [...]


JConcepts RC10T Carbon Fiber Upgrade Parts

JConcepts Carbon Fiber Upgrades For The RC10T

Continuing on the vintage kick, JConcepts has announced 3 new Carbon Fiber Upgrades for the Associated RC10T stadium truck. Two of the parts are 3.0mm thick carbon fiber shock towers, while the third is a 2.5mm chassis brace. All the pieces are made from high quality carbon fiber which is not only light and strong, but awesome looking. The shock towers [...]

