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Team Associated Countertop/Setup Mat

Team Associated Setup Mat

Team Associated has a new Setup Mat that should come in handy while fixing or setting up your rc. The Associated pit mat is waterproof and fairly large in size at 16″ x 20″. The part number is #SP29, it has a street price of $19, and it is only available from Click Right Here for more Team Associated news [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, 04.03.2014, Version- Reasonable Questions, Questi…

“Have you guys done a review or shoot out with the SC10.2 Factory team and Losi SC22? Ryan W.” Cubby- Yo to the yo yo Ryan, thanks for taking the time to write in. Shoot Brian your snail mail so he can hook ya up with a brand spank’n new BSRC t-shirt. Yes, yours is the letter of the month. No, we haven’t [...]


JConcepts Chassis Protective Sheet

JConcepts Associated RC10B5 & RC10B5M Protective Chassis She…

Chassis protectors are great for keeping your chassis looking new and to decrease friction between your chassis and the dirt. JConcepts has announced two new chassis protectors, one for the Associated RC10B5 and for its brother the mid-motored RC10B5M. These are made to be easy to apply and come with 2 pieces per package. The part number for the B5 protector [...]


Exotek Carbon Fiber B5M Battery Strap

Exotek Associated B5M Carbon Fiber ‘FLITE’ Strap

So you just built a new Associated B5M but don’t know where to start to uber it out. Carbon fiber is always a good choice and Exotek has just announced a pretty trick battery “Flite” strap for the B5M. The Exotek piece is lighter and stiffer than the stock piece, and looks infinitely cooler. The part number for the B5M [...]


Replay XD1080 Mini Camera System

Replay XD1080 Mini Camera System

RePlay has announced a new Action Camera to capture all those crazy bashing antics of yours, the XD1080 Mini. The 1080 Mini comes in the ultra small XD720 chassis (24 x 85mm), yet can record in full 1080p at 30 frames per second. When recording in 720 it can do 60 frames per second and it comes with 3 different [...]


JConcepts Silencer RC10B5M Body

JConcepts Silencer RC10B5M Body

For all you mid-motor Associated RC10B5M owners, JConcepts has announced a new Silencer series body for your buggy. The Silencer for the B5M has a trendy cab-forward design with a small shark fin on top for added stability. Some of its other features include- * Clear polycarbonate with over-spray film * Includes two 6.5″ wings, window mask, and decals * Distinct JConcepts Silencer [...]


Pro-Line Phantom Associated B5M

Sneak Peek - Pro-Line Phantom Body for the Associated RC10B5…

Our friends over at Pro-Line have released a teaser image of their Phantom series body for the Associated RC10B5M. As you can see from the picture, the latest Phantom is ready for the track, and it looks pretty sharp with the murdered out paint job. More information will be coming soon, until then you can click This Link to check [...]


Pro-Line Phantom Clear Body Associated B44.2

Pro-Line Phantom Clear Body for Associated B44.2

The latest Phantom series body from Pro-Line Racing is for the Associated B44.2 buggy. The Phantom sports a cab forward design and sweeping body lines for both style and performance. On the rear, an optional center fin can be used to add high speed stability. The part number is #3425-00, street price is $26, and you can get complete information at [...]


JConcepts Silencer RC10B5 Body

JConcepts Silencer RC10B5 Body

JConcepts has announced a new Silencer body for the Associated RC10B5. The Silencer is made for the rear motor version of the B5, and its cab forward design helps on-track handling. * Cab forward design * Shark fin on roof for stability * Comes with protective film, window masks & decal sheet * Comes with two 6.5″ rear wings The part number is #0272, the [...]


RPM RC10 Inside Rear Hinge Pins

RPM RC10 Classic Inside Rear Hinge Pins

RPM RC has announced longer hinge pins for the Associated RC10 Classic. The stock RC10 Classic rear hinge pins are too short for RPM A-arms so the new RPM pins are longer to ensure a proper fit. The part number is 70590, the retail price is $7 per pair, and they should start hitting dealers mid-March. Click Here [...]


Pro-Line Phantom Associated B5 Body

Teaser – Pro-Line Phantom Body for Associated B5

The crew over at Pro-Line have released a teaser shot of their upcoming Phantom body for the Team Associated B5. Cab-forward design is all the rage in racing circles for better handling, but unlike other designs, the Phantom maintains a nice look with its flat roofline and flowing panels. More information on the Phantom B5 is coming soon, until then [...]


RDRP Fiberglass set RC10 Classic

Revolution Design Racing Products Fiberglass Option Part Set…

If you are looking to upgrade your Associated RC10 Classic but still want the retro look, RDRP has a Fiberglass Option Part Set for you. The set includes upgraded towers, battery plate, and transmission plate, and because they are made out of white fiberglass, they retain a period appropriate look. The RDRP upgrade parts fit without modification and they work on [...]


Associated RC10 Worlds Car Kit

Official – Team Associated RC10 World’s Car Kit

Team Associated has made it official, they are re-releasing the RC10 World’s Car. The World’s Car will come in kit form and is sure to bring back many a good memory for those of you who spent countless hours at the track driving the original. The part number for the World’s Car is #6002, it should have a street price of [...]


Exotek Associated Direct spur gear hub

Exotek Direct Spur Gear Hub for Associated B4/T4/SC10

There are some applications where you might want to eliminate the slipper clutch on your Associated B4, T4, or SC10. Some of those applications include stock class racing, oval racing, or more basher type events like pulling or tug-of-war. The Exotek crew has a spur gear hub that is a sano way of eliminating the stock slipper set-up. Once installed [...]


RPM Wide Front Bumper Associated B44

RPM Wide Front Bumper for Associated B44

The Associated B44 series of buggies are very fast and a blast to drive. However, they are not very well protected up front. The guys over at RPM have made a Wide Front Bumper to help your B44 take a big front hit. Made out of world famous RPM plastic, their B44 bumper is 5″ wide to offer lots of [...]

