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Associated SC10 Monster Energy Contender Body

Team Associated SC10 Monster Energy Contender Body

Looking to change up the looks of your SCT? Maybe your old body is worn out? Perhaps you are a big fan of Monster Energy? Is so, the guys at Team Associated have you dialed with their Kyle LeDuc Monster Energy Contender body. The Contender fits SC10 2wd and 4wd trucks, has a part number of #9894, and should have [...]


jconcepts honeycomb motor mount

JConcepts Aluminum Honeycomb Motor Mount for Associated B4/T…

JConcepts has a new lightweight motor mount for select Team Associated vehicles. Their new motor mount features a honeycomb design, making it lightweight yet strong. The JConcepts honeycomb motor mount for Associated B4/T4/SC10 is available anodized in blue (#2270-1) or in black (#2270-2). Street price is $23 and they should be available in mid-September. Looking for more JConcepts news? Hit up THIS [...]


Associated C4.2 Conversion Kit for the RC10B4.2 Buggy

Associated C4.2 Mid Motor Conversion Kit for the RC10B4.2 Bu…

For those of you looking to convert your Associated B4.2 over to a mid-motor design, Associated has announced the C4.2 Conversion Kit. The kit comes with a CNC machined aluminum chassis and all the nic-nacs you’ll need to have an easy conversion. Some of its other features include- * All new molded gearbox and bulkhead assembly * Centralized weight balance * Aluminum battery [...]


Associated Limited Edition SC104x4 RTR with Monster Energy Body

Team Associated Limited Edition SC10 4x4 RTR with Monster En…

Associated is now offering a Limited Edition SC10 4×4 RTR all dressed up in Kyle LuDuc’s Monster Energy livery. With its 4wd, brushless power, and 2.4 GHz radio system, it should be more than ready for your off-road adventures. Some of its features and specifications include- * Water-resistant * 3500kv Reedy brushless motor * 5mm heavy duty belt system * Deans Ultra battery connector * [...]


Associated SC10RS RTR Toyota Racing Body

Associated SC10RS RTR with Toyota Racing Body

The choices just keep coming from Associated as they have just announced another SC10RS RTR, this time with Toyota Racing livery. You may recognize the paint scheme as that from Eric Barron’s Toyota in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series. The platform remains the same as the other SC10RS’s with Reedy brushless power and 2.4 GHz radio system. The part [...]


Associated Monster Energy Toyota SC10RS RTR

Associated Monster Energy/Toyota SC10RS RTR

The latest truck in the Associated SC10RS RTR line-up comes with a Monster Energy/Toyota lid. Like the other trucks in the line, it comes with waterproofing, a 3300kv Reedy brushless motor, and XP 2.4 GHz radio system. The part number for the Associated Monster Energy/Toyota is #7055, it has an availability date of late August, and a street price of $329. [...]


Associated and LRP Break up Split

Team Associated and LRP to Work Separately

Team Associated has imported and worked with German company LRP for years. That has now ended and LRP America will be servicing America starting the first of September. Read the full press release from LRP below- “Lake Forest, CA & Schorndorf, Germany, July 24, 2013 – Top radio control brands, Associated Electrics, Inc. and LRP electronic GmbH, announced jointly today that Associated [...]


RPM A-Arms Associated B4

RPM Front A-Arms & Bulkhead for Associated B4 Series Buggies

If I only had a dollar for every Associated B4 front a-arm I’ve broken I would be a hundredaire by now. And seemingly I would always break the left one. I had a whole pit bag full of rights but not one lefty to get my buggy back on track for the second qualifier. But seriously, like many people we’ve [...]


Team Associated RC10 Classis Buggy

Parts List for the Re-Release Associated RC10 Classic Buggy

The crew over at Team Associated have just announced the parts list for their re-release of the RC10 buggy. If you’ve got an old gold tub laying around with some broken parts you might find just what you need on this list to get your rig back on the track. To see the full list simply click THIS LINK. Thirsty for [...]


Team Associated Lucas Slick Mist SC10

Team Associated Lucas Slick Mist SC10 Race-Spec RTR

The latest truck from Team Associated is the Lucas Slick Mist SC10 RTR. The sweet looking Lucas Slick Mist body comes on the popular 2wd SC10 RTR chassis which features 2.4 GHz radio gear, water resistant electronics, and a 3300kv brushless power system. The part number for the Lucas Slick Mist edition SC10 is #7051, it has a street price of [...]


JConcepts Anti-Roll Bar Kit for Associated B4 T4 SC10

JConcepts Anti-Roll Bar Kit for Associated T4/B4/SC10

JConcepts has just announced a new Anti-Roll Bar Kit for the very popular Team Associated B4/T4/SC10 vehicles. Why might a basher need an anti-roll bar kit? Anti-roll bars come in very handy on smooth high bite surfaces, they help keep your vehicle flat in the corners, thus increasing corner speed while making your vehicles easier to drive. The kit comes with [...]


RC News

THE Cub Report, 06.24.2013, Version- Just a Normal RC Column…

Hey it’s Monday morning, or at least you are reading this on a Monday morning, I am writing this on Sunday. I’m on my way back home from a few wonderful days (insert sarcasm tags here) in the Guangdong Province, but seriously, I can’t wait to get back home and hit the DVR to see what happened at the AMA [...]


RC10 Gold Tub Re-Release

THE Cub Report, 06.03.2013, Version- Negativity Is My Middle…

RV2 lost the overall at the AMA national over the weekend, but nobody beat him. By that I mean he still pwn’ed the field, but defeated himself by going down twice in the second moto. That destroys his chance of going for a perfect season like RC and Bubba had, and perhaps gives the field a little bit more motivation [...]


Team Associated RC10 Classis 6001

Team Associated RC10 Classic #6001

There is huge news out of the Team Associated camp- they have just announced that they are doing a re-release of the original RC10 buggy. The original RC10 was a legendary buggy that got countless people into the hobby and revolutionized the sport of rc racing. The new limited edition RC10 Classic sports the part number of #6001, [...]


Team Associated Drift Tires

Associated Drift Tires for the 1:10 Scale Apex Touring

Team Associated has announced new drift tires for their Apex Touring Car. The new Associated pre-mounted drift tires also fit on any touring car with a standard 12mm hex. If your big thing is going slide-ways these should be worth a look. Part number for just the tires is #31445, while the part number for the pre-mounts is #31440. Both are [...]

