For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Team Associated Warehouse Sale this Friday only

Team Associated is opening up their warehouse to the public for their First Annual Warehouse Sale. This Friday, December 10th, from 10:00am to 3:30pm you’ll be able to buy select kits, RTRs, batteries, and parts at low prices, straight from the warehouse. If you want to know exactly what kind of deals you can get, well, you’ll just have [...]


THE Cub Report- Version 11.21.2010, Every New Beginning Come…

Life is tough in the newspaper and magazine industries. Actually, most industries are having it rough during our economy, but the print guys have really been suffering. Nearly every week you learn about another big name newspaper or mag calling it quits. Finally those tough times have hit us in the rc world. I have long said that 4 mags for [...]


RPM Rear Axle Carriers for Associated SC10 and More

Looks like RPM is showing some love to the Team Associated folks with their new Rear Axle Carriers for the SC10, T4, B4 and B44! These new carriers use the larger bearings like the ones found in the Associated #9730 axle carriers with more axle contact than the standard bearings. They come in black with the RPM warranty! Note: [...]


Team Associated SXX Version 2 and Vector X-12 Combos

News today from Team Associated is about their new SXX Version 2 and Vector X-12 Combos. Their Competition speed controller is for 4.5T motors or higher running 3.7-7.4V, while their TC Spec verions is for 3.0T or higher motors and includes a fan. They have software adjustments to help with “Feel” and “Boost” and lets you [...]


Associated makes RC18B2 sans brushes

Following on yesterday’s announcement of a brushless version of the RC18T2 RTR, Associated has pulled back the sheet on the RC18B2 Brushless.  Raise your hand if you were surprised by this, so I can come over and smack you.  Anyhow, just as with the T2, this one will also feature the Reedy Micro Brushless ESC and a 5000kv motor.  The [...]


Team Associated takes brushes out of RC18T2

The A Team‘s got a thing for brushless, adding it to almost their entire line of RTR vehicles.  The RC18T2 is the next in line to receive the ridiculous power.  This new edition comes out of the box with a Reedy micro brushless ESC and 5000kv motor.  The ESC is LiPo ready, accepting 2 – 3S LiPos or 6 – [...]


Justin Barcia Driving the Associated SC10

GuyB over at just posted a new video of Geico Honda superstar Justin Barcia Barcia Barcia! First watch as Barcia pilots his Associated SC10, then watch as a factory mechanic wheels the new 450cc rc motocross bike (with lifelike Barcia rider)! I really need to get me one of those for X-mas…Cubby


Team Associated RC10B44.1 Factory Team

Team Associated has once again taken the time to revise one of their off-road performers.  The RC10B44.1 has been given an all new carbon-fiber chassis that has been designed with all the latest LiPo offerings in mind.  The new chassis provides more ground clearance for the rough stuff.  Also new is a revised front shock tower that’s now made with [...]


New Wheels and Tires for the Associated SC10

Looks like Team Associated has some new wheels/tires for their SC10. They come pre-glued with a scale chrome look. They also have a KMC wheel available. More info is available at Team Associated’s web site.


Team Associated T6 Factory Team

Team Associated has a brand new ride.  The RC10TC6 Factory Team edition is an all new design that has been prepared for brushless power and LiPo batteries right out of the box.  The whole thing has been given a makeover but a few of the significant changes include moving the motor 13mm in toward the centerline of the chassis, lowering [...]


Team Associated Multi Tool V2

There’s no such thing as having too many tools.  Unless you have to carry them all around.  Team Associated has created a way to help you lighten your load with their new Stamped Multi Tool V2.  This new version is now compatible with all the V2 shocks that Associated is putting on all of their new kits.  It will also [...]


Team Associated RC10 B4.1 Factory Team Kit

The latest kit from Team Associated SC8e is the RC10B4.1 Factory Team Kit. The B4 has been around for a while, but they keep tweaking it till they can make it the best it can be. This new Factory Team version takes into account lighter cars for LiPo users and brushless motor technology. Some key features: Factory Team Aluminum Rear [...]


A weekend at the Track -- Big Squid RC Invades the 2010 ROAR…

Editor’s Note — Here are the facts: Adam Drake was top qualifier in the buggy class. Jared Tebo TQ’d the truggy class. Tebo then went on to win both the buggy and truggy classes. Jeff was sent there to take pictures and provide coverage of the event. What we got back from him was this “story.” [...]


Team Associated SC8e Brushless RTR!

There’s a new version of the Team Associated SC8e which is now brushless RTR! The new truck comes with a Castle Creations Mamba Max Pro brushless ESC and Neu_Castle 2200kV motor. It also comes with the XP3-SS 2.4GHz radio system. They recommend running a 4S LiPo for maximum performance. I haven’t seen or driven one of these is person, [...]


Fastrax SC10 underbody

There’s nothing worse than crud building up in your chassis. So Fastrax has decided to help you out if you have an SC10. They’ve got a new underbody available in PVC that’s printed to look like carbon fiber, or in clear lexan for those of you that prefer your look to be a little more custom. Check the Fastrax [...]

