For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Team Magic E5 10th Scale Monster Truck

Team Magic E5 1/10 Monster Truck

In the last couple of years the Team Magic 8th scale monster truck has really taken off in some parts of the world. Now Team Magic has announced a 10th scaler to win over even more bashers. The 1/10 Team Magic E5 Monster Truck has a lot of great features that should make for a fun bash machine. * Waterproof electronics * [...]


Team Magic E4RS III+ Touring Car

Team Magic E4RS III+ Touring Car

For all you high-end touring car guys, Team Magic has announced the E4RS III+. The III+ has a bunch of updates that were designed to increase corner speed, improve steering, and to increase the precision of the car. What are some of the changes? * New chassis and top deck * New floating steering system & servo mount * Optimized flex characteristics * New [...]


Team Magic E6 III HX Monster Truck

Teaser – Team Magic 1/8th E6 III HX Monster Truck

At BigSquidRC we are all about bashing and generally speaking, big, bad, 8th scale monster trucks rule the roost. We recently received a teaser picture for the upcoming Team Magic E6 III HX. While full information has yet to be released, we do know it is 8th scale, comes with waterproof electronics, is based on the highly competitive E6 platform, [...]

