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Futaba 4PV Transmitter

Teaser – Futaba 4PV Transmitter

Being teased now by Futaba is the 4PV radio system. While very few details have been released, the 2.4GHZ/T-FHSS 4PV will have features like telemetry, an optional drop down wheel, LCD display, and 4 channel output. The 4PV will be available with either a R314SB-E or R314SB-Ex2 receiver and should be a great option for consumers looking for a high-end [...]


Futaba 3PV

Futaba 3PV Coming To The States Next Month

As we first reported Here, Futaba has a new bashing oriented transmitter called the 3PV and it is hitting the states next month. Nobody likes walking around like a noob with a RTR transmitter, the 3PV is a great step up from stock without destroying your wallet. So what’s the scoop on the 3PV? America will be getting two different versions, [...]


Castle Telemetry Link

Castle Creations Telemetry Link for Futaba and Spektrum Radi…

Wouldn’t it be cool if you would read the telemetry from your Castle Creations ESC on the screen of your Futaba or Spektrum transmitter? Sure it would! Castle has just announced their Telemetry Link that allows you to do just that. The Castle Telemetry Link works on select surface and air transmitters, and on select Castle ESCs. Once installed, the Telemetry [...]


Castle Mamba Monster X Review

Castle Creations Mamba Monster X ESC Review

Bashers love power, the more the better, and Castle Creations has long been a source of brushless systems for us bashers. A few months ago they unveiled their new X line up of ESCs which introduced more features and other upgrades. Myself along with the rest of the BigSquid Bash Crew has been beating on the Mamba Monster X to [...]


Kyosho Syncro Touch KT-432PT

Kyosho Syncro Touch KT-432PT Radio

Touch screens sure are easy to use, thus the reason the latest radio from Kyosho has one. The Syncro Touch KT-432PT features a large smartphone style LCD touch screen to make changing settings a snap. Like most radios these days it is a 2.4GHz unit, meaning you won’t have to worry about frequency conflicts, and the Syncro does telemetry as [...]


LIT Pro Advanced Training Tool

LIT Pro Advanced Training Tool

What is a LIT Pro, what does it have to do with rc, and why would you want one? First off, the LIT Pro is an advanced training tool that was designed to fit on a motocross rider’s helmet. It captures data like speed, height, location, and g-forces. For us rc enthusiasts, that sort of information can come in handy, whether [...]


Futaba 4GRS Review

Futaba 4GRS 4-Channel T-FHSS Radio Review

Twin stick radios are so old school that nobody uses them anymore, right??? That absolutely isn’t the case, in fact they are making a bit of a comeback thanks to the crawling/trailing and boat crowds. When Futaba announced the twin stick 4GRS it was actually a pretty big deal, it isn’t often when a new surface twin sticker hits the [...]


Futaba 4GRS Unboxing

Futaba 4GRS Unboxing

Believe it or not, not everyone drives with a pistol style radio, that’s why a lot of people were stoked when Futaba announced the new twin stick 4GRS surface radio. The 4GRS has many of the features of its pistol gripped cousin the 4PLS- telemetry, multi-model memory, and dozens of others, while sporting a similar price point of $279. With [...]


Hitec Lynx 4S Transmitter Review

Hitec Lynx 4S Radio System Review

It’s been a long time since Hitec put out a high-end surface radio, that is why a whole lot of people in the rc world were stoked at the announcement of the new Lynx 4S. The Lynx 4S was touted to be the best surface radio Hitec has ever produced and comes with features like telemetry, a drop down wheel, [...]


Hitec Lynx 4S

Shipping Soon – Hitec Lynx 4S Radio System

Hitec surprised the rc world back in May with the announcement of a new surface transmitter. Later in July we were able to lay out diff grease stained fingers on their new Lynx 4S at the HobbyTown USA National Convention. Within the next few weeks you should be seeing them hit your local hobby shop. The Lynx 4S is a high-end [...]


Graupner X-8N

Graupner X-8N HoTT 4-Channel 2.4GHz Transmitter

After signing a deal with Tower Hobbies, it is easier than ever to get Graupner products here in the States. One of the latest and greatest products from Graupner is the X-8N transmitter. The X-8N is a 2.4GHz 4 channel surface transmitter for use in cars, trucks, and boats. The Graupner boasts a laundry list of features, some of the highlights [...]


Futaba 4PX

Full Details – Futaba 4PX Telemetry Radio

The Futaba crew has been teasing their high-end 4PX, but it is nearly here. It has an August release date and should be shipping out to dealers in the very near future. The 4PX is the most advanced radio system ever developed by Futaba and is 30% faster, and a half ounce lighter, than the previous model. It also has the [...]


Quad Fly Away? Track in Real Time with FlyTrex Live!

Hot off the presses via their blog, the guys over at FlyTrex have updated their GPS MultiRotor telemetry system to also provide live data feed straight to their website, making it the first ‘Black Box’ for quadcopters. FlyTrex Live uses a GSM (cell phone data) connection to transmit Speed, Location, Altitude, and Battery Voltage live directly to their website. What makes this [...]


Hitec Lynx 4S

More Information – Hitec Lynx 4S Radio with Telemetry

First seen at the Shizuoka Hobby Show a couple of weeks ago, Hitec has now released more information on their upcoming Lynx 4S radio system. The 4S looks to easily be the most technologically advanced transmitter that Hitec has ever produced. Some of its features include- * Includes bi-directional telemetry for speed, rpm, temp, and voltage * 4096 resolution * Easy-to-Change Control Mode [...]


Futaba 4PX

Full Details – Futaba 4PX 4-Channel 2.4GHz T-FHSS Radio

After a bit of teasing, the Futaba crew has released full information on their new flagship transmitter, the 4PX. At the top of the list for features is a 3.5″ color LCD screen, it is 30% faster than the previous model, and it has the ability to handle up to 31 telemetry sensors. Some of its other features include- * Works [...]

