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DragRace Concepts No-Prep Glue Tire Traction Compound

DragRace Concepts “The Glue” No-Prep Tire Traction Compound

New from DragRace Concepts is “The Glue” Tire Traction Compound. This specially formulated traction compound was designed just for no-prep drag car racing. Here are the highlights- * Specific blend that performs well under a wide variety of traction levels * Provides excellent grip, while not being overly sticky * Made from high quality components * Packaged in a chemical resistant 4oz dauber bottle The [...]


Dirt Racing Products Brian Kinwald

New Product Line – Brian Kinwald’s Dirt Racing Products

One of the most legendary racers in rc, Brian Kinwald, has teamed up with JConcepts to release a new line called Dirt Racing Products. The line starts with some tire prep products and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for the future. The initial line-up from Dirt Racing Products includes- * Decal sheet – part number #7999, [...]


cubby with torc spoke-model

THE Cub Report, 02.24.2014, Version- Some People Lead, Some …

Recently, a big name IFMAR World Champ walked out on a race. After practice, he decided to picked up his stuff and just go home. Sounds like a uncool thing to do? Sound like a quitter to you? It might sound that way, but the racer, Jared Tebo, was worried about the health of his family, that’s why he loaded [...]

