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Vanquish Products V2 Wraith/Yeti Axles

Vanquish Products machined aluminum axles have long been a hit with Axial Wraith and now Yeti owners. This product has been around a few years and naturally the company finds ways to improve their products through tons of customer feedback. Que the V2 VP Wraith/Yeti Axle housings. The stock design of the wraith axle has long been a weak point [...]


Vanquish Products XR Width axle tubes for the Axial SCX10 Cu…

When Vanquish Products released the licensed Currie Rockjock for the Axial SCX10 the promised the axle system would be totally modular allowing their customers to build the axle to suit their needs. It took a little while but the wider XR width axle tubes for the Currie RockJock have finally hit the market. The whole XR name came from the [...]


Yeti XL axle housings from Vanquish Products

Well the new is barely worn off of our review unit Yeti XL so we knew the aftermarket would not be far behind. Popular Axial upgrade artists Vanquish Products have been hard at work developing their new aluminum scale axle housing for the XL. These should be a nice bump in durability for the beast of a machine. Features: -Aluminum bearing retainer [...]

