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XRay NT1 2013 Nitro On Road

XRay NT1 ’13 4wd Nitro On-Road Car Kit

One of the most highly regarded rc manufactures worldwide is XRay. They are known for using quality materials and their solid design principles. New from XRay is the 2013 version of their NT1 10th scale nitro touring car. This latest version hosts a slew of improvements over the previous model. Some of the major changes are new shocks, new towers, new [...]


2013 XRAY XB9 1/8th Scale Buggy

XRay 2013 Spec XB9 Nitro 8th Scale Off-Road Buggy

XRay sent out teaser information on their 2013 spec XB9 8th Scale Buggy at the first of the year, now they’ve released full information and photo’s. The 2013 XB9 is a culmination of years of testing and research, surely it will go down as one of the most elite 8th scale racers ever produced. The changes for the 2013 XB9 include- * [...]


Updated XRay XB9 8th Scale Nitro Buggy for 2013

Juraj Hudy and the crew over at XRay have been hard at work coming up with an all new XB9 nitro off road buggy for 2013. The XB9 has been a solid buggy since it was first introduced, this all new update should push it to yet another level of performance and durability. Some of the all new features and [...]


XRay T4 Touring Car

All New XRay T4 Touring Car

The good folks over at XRay have just announced their all new T4 Touring Car. The latest and greatest from XRay has been a long time in development, but now it is finally here for your driving pleasure. There is an enormous list of features and specs on the new T4, here are some of the highlights- * All-new T4 platform * [...]


THE Cub Report, 09.30.2012, Version: Corry Weller- Best Reas…

Good morning gang, welcome to yet another Cub Report, hopefully none of you are suffering from a bad case of the Monday’s. First off, congrats to Team Germany for pwn’ing the world at MXoN over the weekend. K-Roc and crew put in some stellar rides to cinch Germany’s first MX of Nations win, they deserve loads of props. Team America [...]


XRAY Booth Tour

Stopping by the Team XRAY booth at the Nuremberg Toy Fair, it was exactly what you would expect. Ultra high-end off-road and on-road that just makes you drool. We took a TON of pictures, so make sure to click the read-more to see the whole set! #gallery-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-9 [...]


Team XRAY Nuremberg news wrapup

The biggest new item from XRAY at the Toy Fair was their prototype 1/8 scale brushless truggy, the XT8E.  They were characteristically tight-lipped about specs, features, release timeframe, and cost at this early point, but it should be a cool new entry in a rather small segment.  Being XRAY, the XT8E is sure to be an all carbon fiber race-bred [...]


Interesting look at R/C car design process

If you’ve ever been curious about the design and manufacturing process of r/c cars, XRAY’s latest column covers that exact topic. XRAY’s chief designer, Juraj Hudy, gives a behind the scenes look at the design process, prototyping, mold making and other aspects of the RX8, XRAY’s latest 1/8 scale nitro onroad racer. After several months spent behind the computer and [...]

