The Backyard – I Got A Tamiya BBX Kit
Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Welcome to The Backyard.
A little surprise followed me home last week from the local hobby shop. I didn’t intend on buying anything, but they had a “20% off everything in the store” sale, and I couldn’t resist grabbing the Tamiya BBX 2WD Off-Road Buggy Kit (BB-01) that they had on the shelf.
I have been eyeing one of these things ever since they released a couple years ago. For those that aren’t aware of what it is, the BBX is an actual “new” buggy design from Tamiya- not a re-release. It looks like a vintage buggy but the design is modern.
I’ve started building the kit and I’ve come away with a few impressions already.
This kit builds fantastic, which is to be expected from a Tamiya product, but I’d argue it is NOT for beginners. While some of their vintage re-release stuff is extremely easy for a novice to assemble…putting together a ball differential correctly with the right amount of tension, like what’s in the BBX, is not exactly beginner fare. I’m not saying its impossible for a noob or anything- but just be aware!
And hey, this isn’t a critique! In fact, it’s the opposite- it is freaking AWESOME to put together a Tamiya kit that features modern engineering. Heck, it has BEARINGS throughout the kit and hex hardware! Longtime Tamiya kit builders will know what I’m talking about here.
I gotta say, building this kit makes me long for the day when Tamiya starts pushing the boundaries again with new designs on the reg. I appreciate all the re-releases and enjoy many of them, but hopefully we continue to get new designs like this.
When finished, I plan to use my BBX primarily as something to mess around with at my local track, and as such I’m aware it’s going to need grippier tires. What kind of tires and wheels will fit it though, that’s hard to find. I’ve scoured the internet and thus far I’ve not exactly found a definitive guide to what works or doesn’t, but upon completion of my BBX I am going to put together an article that will explain what buggy and/or short course racing wheels/tires will fit!
For power, I’ve installed a Castle 3900kv system that I had laying around, along with an old Mamba Max Pro ESC. That should be plenty for a 2WD buggy!
Detailed driving impressions to come after I’ve finished the build! Really glad I picked it up so far though! It’s a fun build.
Next week is the Nuremberg International Toy Fair where Tamiya announces new r/c releases for the coming year. The BBX has me hoping we see some other newly engineered off-road kits from the big T!
Until next time, keep it on all 4’s!