For Bashers, By Bashers!
Pro-Line Cubby

THE Cub Report, 09.02.2013, Version- Dodging Dean Wormer

Pro-Line CubbyHappy Labor Day to all you rc’ers out there, and welcome to THE Cub Reporto’. A non-syndicated, non-PC, non-logical look into the world of rc.

Oh ya, I always talk about full scale racing at the start of THE Cub Report, but…. Labor day weekend isn’t exactly a banner weekend for that sort of thing. Moto is off until MXDN and the Monster Cup and F1 doesn’t race again until next weekend in Italy. I have no idea what NASCAR did over the weekend, but then I really don’t consider that racing anyways.

So… I’m forced to get going into some rc news, but I’ll keep it sweet and brief to let you all get back out to your bash parties and BBQ’n.

We got the scoopage on the new Monster Truck and Stadium Truck tires from Duratrax. Big props to the Duratrax folks for that, we are stoked that they would let us intro their new pre-mounts to the world. As you’ve seen from our posts, they come in a variety of different styles and tread patterns, and are intended to be affordable bash tires. So far we’ve been driving them like we stole them (when do we Not do that? LOL) on a wide variety of different vehicles and surfaces, look for more info/pics/vids/reviews on them in the very near future.

Our “big” review for the week will be on the Kyosho Rage VE. Since we first posted pics of the Rage it has generated a lot of interest, some good, some bad. The Rage is certainly unique- part buggy, part moon rover, and part big tire’d bash machine, with some people loving its looks and others detesting it. Just like the DTX tires above, we’ve been thrashing the living daylights out of the Rage and you can find out if it is any good this Tuesday when our full review goes up.

I teased about a H U G E contest we are holding a couple of weeks ago. Look for info on the contest to break any day now on our front page. It is far and away the largest contest we’ve ever held, or probably ever will hold. The company we are working with on this contest has decided to go “over the top” and give away an enormous amount of goodies to show you guys that they want your business. I hope when its over you’ve won something cool and look well upon the company you won it from when you make your future buying decisions.

That’s it, I’m out of here, I’m headed back down to the beach to work on my tan. Have a great (and short) week everyone, thanks for reading, and support your local hobby shops and bash spots when ya can.

YOUR Cub Reporter

Post Info

Posted by in cubby on Monday, September 2nd, 2013 at 11:20 am

