THE Cub Report- 10.10.2011- Version: Lily Of The Valley
What a weekend of racing, Formula 1 was blitzing around Suzuka in Japan while the Bathurst 1000 was taking place down under. Every time I see a “real” road course (like both of those) I feel sorry for our rc guys racing on flat ozite tracks. If they only knew how fun/challenging a road course can actually be. The state of the road courses used in rc is all sorts of ugly. Maybe reviving on road in the rc world isn’t a matter of having a new “hit” car, maybe it’s a matter of going to more realistic tracks? Just say’n…
We are getting Reallyyy close to the iHobby International Hobby Expo. It’s no secret we spend all year getting ready (and pumped up!) for the show, so here are the powerpoints on what BSRC is bring’n to the table for iHobby.
1. Two Huge secrets that I’ll reveal next week. Yes I hate to tease (<-blatant lie), but I have to for now. 2. Hot Booth Babes. Just like previous years we'll have hot chics running around the booth adding some flair. And yes, feel free to come right on over and get your pictures taken with them! 3. Live web feeds of the show. Just like last year we'll have live feeds blasting out over the internet so you can see what's kick'n even if you can't make it in person. 4. We are giving away a brand new truck at each of our demo's Saturday and Sunday. We demo twice a day, the morning show is at 11 am, the afternoon show is at 3, be there for your chance at winning a brand new rc truck from the likes of HPI and Duratrax. Btw, we'll have all new uber ramps (and a Huge wall turn, Huge props to Craig on these) on the BSRC demo track. Expect bigger air and more carnage during all the demo's. π 5. Win a free BigSquid T-shirt. The first ten people (on the consumer days) to scream “BigSquidRC!” at our booth each morning get a free BSRC shirt! Put on your track shoes and be prepared to yell BSRC as loud as you can!
6. Plenty of free stickers to litter your rc bodies with. Please don’t scream for these. Seriously. LOL
7. The Bash Crew. Our entire BSRC-Bash-Crew will be in full effect- from Bill “Pry My Wrenches From My Cold Dead Hands”, to Craig “The Lord of The Ramps”, to “Top Jimmy” Swift, to Evan “Mr Must Own All”, to Jason “Voorhees” Annis, to Tim “People Pay Him To Race Rc Cars” Mohr, to Adam “The Intern”, to Jeff “The Guy Who Needs To Get Back To Writing The Around The Web Every Saturday Guy”, to last but not least our “Editor and Slave Driver” Brian. Yup, it’s your chance to have an epic meltdown on us (like certain suit types have before.. LOL) or to simply tell us what you’d like to see/read more of.
8. Cubby in da’ house. So… I think even I’m in this year. But you know me, I like to show up for 20 minutes and then hit the bar ASAP. Unfortunately Brian wants me to heat a seat in his booth for 4 days. Good luck with that one Brian. π
One last iHobby note- don’t forget you can still win free tickets to the show just hit us up on Facebook.
One really last note on iHobby- remember that contest we had where we had our readers design us a t-shirt? I hear we’ll have that shirt on sale at the show. Wanna show you are the hardest basher in your town? If so this T is required apparel. π
On a different note…
We have two reviews coming your way this week, our take (<-actually my take as I reviewed it) on the Novak GTB2 8.5 short course speedo/motor combo, and the TrakPower TK-950 soldering station. Look for’em around Tuesday’ish.
That’s it for this week, thanks for taking the time out of your crazy Monday to read THE Cub Report, required reading to get you in bash-mode for the week. Support your local hobby shops, tracks and bash spots!
YOUR Cub Reporter