THE Cub Report, 12.11.2011, Version- Life Is Mighty Fast In The Slow Lane
First off, as you can’t help but see, BigSquid is holding a way-super-dope contest this December, our “20 Uber Days of Christmas” contest. Thus far we’ve been giving away fairly small prizes, but that has changed this week. ๐ Yes, we are
getting busting out some of the bigger gear this week, so keep your eyes peeled on our front page, then get ready to blow up our Facebook page and the comments section. Don’t ya just dig free stuff for X-mas?
Lots of “behind the scenes stuff” has been going on around the BSRC offices, how much will the editor let out in THE Cub Report this week? Let’s see! Hehehe…
RCX, the rc show put on by AirAge Media/RCCA, really wants the BigSquid cast of wacky characters out for their show in California this spring. I find it strange that arguably our largest competitor is bending over backwards to get us out there. But hey, they need something cool to get people to show up right? Their last show, the RCX Chicago show, was considered by most in the industry to be a resounding flop, they certainly don’t want their Cali show to continue sliding. Insert the solution- bring out BigSquid! But seriously, it would be cool for our crew to hang with all you left coasters, but it’s still up in the air if we’ll be in attendance or not. Brian seems to think my Private Jet idea isn’t on the table.
And a different note…
I can live without that new Ceramic Nixon (barely, ugghhh!!). Brian can live with “good” tires on his Blazer, not the “great” ones, and Adam can live with a $8 mop-top and not the latest $50 Bieber edition.
HobbyKing came a call’n last week. To a lot of people selling advertising in our industry there are no more golden words than those, but to us it wasn’t a big deal. You, yes you, our readers are what come first around the BSRC offices, and because of that we’ve tested a couple of the HobbyKing battery packs. We’ve received more than enough emails from our readers wanting to see how their product stacked up so of course we obliged.
But just FYI, in case you didn’t know it, people that work in the American hobby industry hate HobbyKing, they simply don’t like the way they do business. And.. early on when HobbyKing was blowing up and the “old school” rc media sources started taking HobbyKing money those media sources offended a lot of the companies that had kept their doors open for the last twenty years.
Fortunately for us, and as you’ve all known for a long time, we are a bit (read- a LOT) different here at BigSquid. We have no intentions of torque’n off our number 1 priority, you readers, nor our long time advertisers that keep our server bills paid. The big Aussie company may have come call’n, but we’ll be stick’n with the people that got us where we are. Readers can expect a few reviews on HobbyKing product, and our advertisers don’t have to worry about us sport’n any HobbyKing banners.
That’s not to say our bills haven’t blown up this year, they certainly have, and there will be some changes going on because of it, but they won’t involve HobbyKing banners. We are going through some pretty massive growing pains right now, but now more importantly than ever we are going to stay with the formula that got us here- post stuff that our readers like and take care of our advertisers the best we can. The rest will all fall into place (hopefully! LOL Fingers crossed!).
And one last thing, an apology….
I never apologize, I typically don’t even believe in the concept, but I have to this week. For those that might not know, Iron Mike (one of the locals that helps us on BSRC reviews and such) fell asleep at this pit table last weekend and someone (read-
me!) thought it would be a good idea to bust out a brand new bottle of Bob Smith’s best and CA glue his hand to his pit table. Well… Bob Smith’s best worked a little (read- a LOT!) better than even I thought it would, and we ended up having to cut a
big square out of the his pit table with a Dremel so he could go to the hospital and get the piece that remained attached to his hand removed. So Iron Mike, I’m sorry for ruining your perfectly good pit table, good ones are hard to find. And… I hope you had fun driving your stick-shift to the hospital with that big piece of pit table stuck to your hand. Wish I could have gone with ya, but my 1st qual in mod short course truck was coming up and I didn’t want to be screwed on the re-sort for the second round. (And yes, before anyone starts freak’n out, it was payback for the time he CA glued my MIP 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 into my pit box. Paybacks are heck aren’t they Mike? Just say’n… LOL)
That’s it for this week. Support your local hobby shops, tracks and bash spots (and be careful with the CA!!)!
YOUR Cub Reporter