For Bashers, By Bashers!
Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report- The RC Version Of Ronnie Mac

Hello rc’ers, hello dignitaries, hello world, welcome to the latest and greatest edition of THE Freak’n Cub Report. This week is a special treat, my annual “What the BSRC Bash Crew Wants for Christmas” edition. Yup, if you are a frequent reader, and I know you are, every year I ask the crew what rc car/product they would like to see under their tree on Christmas morning. Enough beat’n around the bush, here is what the crew wants…

Adam The Intern- Ya know, Adam is one of those gnar-core scaler/trailer/crawler guys so it makes sense that numero uno on his list is the upcoming Axial RR10 Bomber. Adam is crazy stoked on its looks and what it was designed to do out in the wilderness.

Jeff Mountain Man Hoy- When Jeff isn’t diligently pounding away at raw HTML5 coding, he actually busts out an rc car. I was expecting some sort of gnarly off-road machine from Jeff, but it looks like he wants to jump on the FPV quad racing bandwagon with one of the new Walkera Runner 250s. Ya, I have really know clue what that is either, other than its some sort of ubered-out carbon fiber race quad.

Hawaiian Party Boy Chris- I thought there was going to be a whole lot of the new Traxxas X-Maxxs on the list this year, but Chris was one of only two people to pick it. Chris is perhaps our most die-hard driver here at BSRC, he drives every single day, several hours a day, and drives everything from small scale to 5th scalers. He wants the new TRX just because it looks so bad ass and that it should go places that know of his other machines can.

3D Bill- You all probably don’t know 3D Bill, but if you get around the Bash Crew he is easy to spot. He is the guy with a GoPro permanently mounted to his hat, and he is constantly shooting video. Video of him flying a tri-copter, video of him driving a 5IVE-T, heck, video of himself making lunch. I also gotta give 3D Bill credit for not shying away from even the hottest of peppers, he just woofs’em down, burps, then asks for more. Anyways… 3D Bill started out a 3D plane flyer, but now days he is all about the tri/quad/hex scene. At the top of his X-Mas list is the Blade Chroma. Ya, its a drone so once again I have no idea what it really is, but it says something just how many quads are making this year’s list.

DeWayne “Hydro Dip Guy” Buchannon- Our guy DeWayne has a couple of vehicles on his list. First up is the Losi 1/5 Mini WRC. If you haven’t noticed, they are steal now days after a price reduction down to $799. Heck, I think Santa can definitely afford that one. And even though DeWayne is a hardcore drag race guy, he also has the monstrous Axial Yeti XL on his list.

Railroad Dougie Doug- Dougie Doug is also one of our scaler guys, hence it makes sense he gives a second vote for the Axial RR10 Bomber. I have the feeling that the first batch is going to be sold out ASAP, hopefully Santa has his name on the pre-order list at his LHS or he is gonna have a hard time delivering RR10s to everyone that wants one.

Stan The Quad Guy- Stan is our uber new quad guy, so I know very little about him. Which sucks, because I can’t make fun of what I don’t know about a guy. Anywhos, he runs a successful quad shop in the Chi-Town metro and is extremely dialed in with the quad scene. So what tops his list? Of course a quad, but which one? The Phantom X concept drone by DJI. Are we up to three drones on the list already?

Wrench Bill- Wrench is no doubt about as hardcore as you get into bashing. He bashes pretty much everything, but definitely has a penchant for nitro burners. While not nitro, topping Wrench’s list is another Axial, this time one of the new Yeti SCORE Trophy Trucks. Our review on the Trophy Truck goes live later this week and hopefully Bill finds one under this tree this X-mas.

Sam The Noob- I already knew the answer to this one before I asked, Sam is all about the ECX AMP Desert Buggy and wants one for X-mas. I mean, Sam borrows mine all the time, which torques me off because then I can’t drive it. So please, please Santa, hook Sam The Noob up.

Craig The Uber Ramp Builder-> Every year Craig asks for a Ripsaw. You know, that crazy and wickedly fast tracked all terrain vehicle. And… every year the rc world fails to make one. So this year I demanded that Craig ask for something that is actually buy-able. His answer, an MGM Edition Losi 5IVE-T. What is that? Well MGM has their own edition of the 5IVE-T, one that comes stock with a 25063-3 X2 ESC, a Lehner 3080/6 brushless motor, and has a street price of a measly $3,400. Nice pick this year Craig, I applaud you.

Iron Mikeee- Mike isn’t scared. The name of his game is going epic and sweeping up the parts afterwards. That’s how he lives his normal life and that’s how he drives rc cars. Topping Mikeee’s list is the ARRMA Kraton Monster Truck. He drives (read- destroys) mine all the time, I think Santa owes it to me to get Mikeee one so he quits beating mine to death.

Evol- Our resident master of getting sideways is looking to find a Overdose Vacula under his tree this year. He’s been drooling over one for a while, so hopefully he gets one. He’s also hoping to get a Yeti XL. Talk about two different sides of the world, but that’s what it’s all about. Having fun in all sorts of ways when it comes to RC.

Tim Mohr- Seeing as how T-$$$ is all about the racing scene and all about F1, it was no surprise to see he wanted one of the new 2016 XRay X1 Formula Kits. Yes, its a basically a pan car, but it has some very high-end design and sports the F1 look that T-$$$ really, REALLY wants.

Brian- Well, Brian sure didn’t hold back this year, putting 3 items on his list. First up is something much different than I expected, a Big Ole’ 1/4 scale gas power monster truck. No, nobody makes one, but bigger is better for bashing and it looks like Brian is looking for something big enough to run over everything else on the market. Second up is a 4WD ARRMA Granite. Yes, the 4wd Granite has long been rumored, and I thought they might actually make it out by the end of ’15, but I guess we’ll have to wait until Nuremburg to see them unveiled. Last on the list is the second X-Maxx to make the list, but Brian doesn’t want the puny stock stock power system, he wants his Castle Creations powered. Rumor is that CC is working up a special oversized power system just for the X-Maxx, time will tell if it actually hits the market.

Me- Lets see… I already have the ECX Outburst that I wanted, I already have an Axial Trophy Truck, I already have a couple of Kratons, really, I already have everything I want that is remotely available on the market. However… what I don’t have is one of the new chrome plated Futaba 4PXRs. They have been teased, but they are still a few months away from sitting at local hobby shops. In my own special dream world I would hope that the new 4PXR comes with a smaller grip, a smaller trigger, and some sort of high-end stability control. I would also hope that it would transmit telemetry to my smart device and shoot laser beams to blind my competition. Come on Santa, make it happen!

That’s it for this week, quit surf’n the web on your phone and hit up your local hobby shop and bash spot.

YOUR Cub Reporter

Post Info

Posted by in cubby, The Cub Report on Monday, November 16th, 2015 at 3:46 pm

