For Bashers, By Bashers!
Castle Creations Mamba XL X Brushless Combo Unboxing

Unboxing The Castle Creations Mamba XL X 1/5th Brushless Combo

When it comes to insane power, Castle Creations is the name that pops into most people’s heads. Their latest over-the-top power system is the Mamba XL X Combo which combines the ridiculous wattage of their 2028 800kV brushless motor with their new X series 1/5th scale ESC. We recently received a unit for review and decided to snap a bunch of pictures to show you what it looks like inside the box.

As you can see by the pictures, inside you’ll find a 2028 Extreme cooling fan, the large 2028 brushless motor, and the new XL X series controller. All are amazingly large if you are used to 10th scale gear, but are the size needed to propel heavy 5th scale vehicles (up to 30 lbs) to extreme speeds. Enjoy the unboxing pictures while we finish up our full review which should go live in 2-3 weeks. The XL X combo is street priced at $425, it has a part number of #010-0142-00, and they are shipping right now. To get complete details simply use This Link to head over to Castle’s official website.

Hit This Link to view more unboxings right here on BigSquidRC.


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Posted by in brushless, Unboxing on Thursday, December 31st, 2015 at 1:39 pm

