Video – Quintuple Backflip Landed
If you bash, then you already know how much fun it is to do backflips, but of course, some people take it to the extreme. Watch the video above to see Cyrano2040 land an enormous Quintuple Backflip. A quintuple flip is 5 rotations, which is pretty extreme by anyone’s book, and Cyrano pulled it off with his Traxxas 1/16 E-Revo at a skate park in Italy. And while pulling a bunch of rotations is one thing, landing it on all four wheels is another, but as you can see in the video the huge flip is landed perfectly.
Have you landed more than a quintuple? If so shoot us a link, or you can come on out this weekend to BigSquid’s Bash And Smash to see lots high flying backflip action.
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